He looked over the shoulder of one of the script kiddies he hired and saw 2 lines with the same SSN, freaked out, remembered some database words he picked up somewhere and hopped on twitter.
I remember the floppy disks that were actually floppy. I don’t think I ever saved to one though.
Which distros would you suggest?
“Also, can someone get the engineering team on the phone to figure out that glock thing?”
When I was young my parents took us on a vacation to Hawaii. My carry on had like 8 books in it and I finished half of them before we even got there.
I sold a trailer to a cop once. It wasn’t related to his police activities but I needed to get rid of it and he didn’t haggle.
My private tracker ratios are shit. If it wasn’t for the points systems they have for seeding I wouldn’t be able to do anything on them. Every so often one will randomly take off but most of the time they get stuck around like .04 even on brand new uploads. Fortunately I can find pretty much everything on public tracker. My ratio on those is far better. For example I have Godzilla Minus One from both a private tracker and public. The public one is at like 45 and the private one is like .6 both were downloaded within a day or two of each other back when everyone was pirating that movie. I would be seeding so much more shit from my private trackers if I didn’t have to worry about upload ratio.
Yeah. I stopped pirating for like 3 years because of Netflix having enough content to occupy me (and I had a he’ll of a lot more time on my hands then than I do now). Now Netflix doesn’t have shit and everything is spread over a ton of services. I can either constantly be changing subscriptions around or pay like 7$ a month for a VPN and have everything… Hmmm, tough choice.
Hey! The US has been genociding people way longer than that. Give them some credit.
Kind of hard when the popular kids decide to single you out and you become a pariah. There were a couple of groups I was on the periphery of but nobody ever backed me up when I was getting fucked with. I had 4 dudes I would consider to be friends but we didn’t really have common interests and lost 2 of them to a car accident halfway through. Fuck high school.
I don’t have a problem with technology advancing. I have a problem with the goal of all this new shit just being to extract more money out of me while providing as minimal product as possible. An easy example being smartphones. The potential in functionality for them is insane but I can’t buy one today that doesn’t have less features than my 2016 model and I’m constantly fighting permissions bullshit any time I try to do anything fancy with it.
Phone makers make no money if you don’t buy new phones
Maybe they should make a new phone thats desirable then. I’m still running on a phone from 2016 because there’s no modern one that wouldn’t lose me functionality that I use all the time. Anything I buy would be a downgrade.
I was literally going to set that up this week… Damn it.
Currently using Nextcloud to sync it but it’s shit.
Brave does I think. I didn’t allow it to do so the one time I saw the pop up and I would not want that to happen unless I was always behind a VPN.
nobody look at my downloads folder. It’s fine. I promise.
Duracell suck but Kirkland are so much worse. Rechargeable Eneloops are the way to go.
I transfer shows and movies to people I work with via external hard drive all the time. When I was a kid we’d copy pc games and CDs we got and share them around.
The company I work for disabled the taskbar settings when they put out Win 10. I’m Assuming they will do it on Win11 too so I may not have that option but thanks for the info anyway I’ll certainly try it.