this place isn’t what it used to be
this place isn’t what it used to be
lots! I love add ons. I have dozens of them installed but I disable whatever I’m not currently using. I usually have about 5-10 active at a time. I go for the simple, single use ones ala “unix philosophy” when able because I feel they don’t eat up resources and present less security risk.
They’re so convenient for random little tasks. Like a while ago I had to use this webpage that made you check boxes individually for every single item… like >60 check boxes. I have an addon that lets you bulk select and check boxes. Very rarely needed but great to have.
And I have certain groups of add ons that I use for specific tasks. When I am conducting research I have an addon for zotero, to avoid pay walls, the way back machine, singlefile and other record-keeping tools. Bulk file downloaders; which you need several of because they don’t all work for every situation. Also more advanced history and bookmark interfaces. Don’t need them most of the time.
Firefox is so great about allowing add-ons, it turns it into a powerful tool for all kinds of niche use-cases. I wish it would have a more sophisticated way to manage them. However also I am aware that I’m an unusual user so
I did that a while ago but I never remember to use it :(
i know but you have to do it every time.
Am not a gamer. But i made a sort of platform for my laptop to sit on to keep it being flush on a surface esp like couch or bed where no air goes in. I found a coated metal wire thingamagig thats the right size, and used zip ties to add stoppers so it doesn’t slide off. Im sure you can buy something like this instead of make it out of garbage like i did.
Anyways one of the really useful side benefits is that i can clip the power cord to the platform so that there is no tension on the connectors. My power outlets sometimes in the opposite direction from the connector and if i dont use the platform thing it is always pulling.
Also CalyxOS
@15liam20@lemmy.world shared a great link for FIT. From the same website: FOBT = Fecal Occult Blood Test
FIT/FOBT: low-cost, low-barrier, easy and 100% safe test done by the patient themselves at home
Colonoscopy: expensive, resource-intensive, onerous, invasive, time-consuming and while usually safe there are complications up to and including death
Even though an individual colonoscopy is more sensitive than an individual FOBT/FIT, regular use of FOBT/FIT is probably more effective overall on the population level. Unlike a colonoscopy, it is reasonable to repeat the FOBT/FIT every 1-2 years. Screening colonoscopies are usually done at intervals of 10 years. So imagine if you start doing colon cancer screening in 2023. In 2024, you start to develop cancer. If you are screening by colonoscopy, you will have to wait until 2033 to find it, unless you have symptoms in which case you are in trouble! (The whole idea of screening is you don’t wait for symptoms.) Also it is important to remember that in the real world, people hate colonoscopies, health care is not always perfectly accessible, life gets in the way etc so it could be even more delayed. But if you are doing your FIT/FOBT every 1-2 years you will likely detect it fairly quickly. People are much more likely to actually go through with FIT/FOBT testing compared to colonoscopies. Then when you get the positive FIT/FOBT result, you’d be sent for a colonoscopy (or some other equivalent) for the confirming diagnosis.
If you are being recommended colonoscopy as a regular-risk person on the basis of age, your health system is not serving you well. Compared to colonoscopies, regular FOBT or FIT testing has an insignificant risk of complications (bowel perforations, death etc) and is easily conducted at home without the unpleasant “preparation” required of a scope. If done every 2-3 years they are at least as (and maybe more) effective at detecting cancer compared to a scope.
I tried the ones I found but they choke on these complicated tables
someone else can probably give a more comprehensive/correct answer but here is how I understand it. i believe chromium is open source and chrome is mostly chromium but also some proprietary (and therefor unknown) bits are included. whereas firefox is entirely open source, meaning you could compile it yourself and still end up with the same package.