That’s the one gripe I have with them; not only do they do that, they actively shame users for daring to root their phones.
I’m strongly considering Calyx OS for my own Pixel 9 Pro
That’s the one gripe I have with them; not only do they do that, they actively shame users for daring to root their phones.
I’m strongly considering Calyx OS for my own Pixel 9 Pro
Not everyone knows that though.
In Chinese, “X” makes a “sh” sound.
Take from that what you will.
NGL, that helped me actually understand the original function. It’s been over a decade since I’ve touched anything related to C.
I been trying to find old Kindles for sale
Try “Unclaimed Baggage”. We got our kids kindles through them.
My lawyer has one of those. It’s pretty cool.
Maybe don’t be an asshole by lodging it on a berm behind another car and just walk the extra 20 feet to put your fucking cart in the corral.
I watched someone in a Costco parking lot shove his cart onto one of those berms at the end of a row, very obviously about to walk away from it. I was already frustrated, so I walked over and basically yanked it from him, saying something to the effect of “no don’t worry I’ll get it” in a very “you’re part of the problem” tone.
It felt nice, I’m not gonna lie.
Edit: looks like the idiots who this meme is directed at are out in force lol
Rightly so. OS shouldn’t matter one bit. If the customer is paying for a service, then that service should be rendered as paid for, or else it should be discounted.
I know I know… One can dream.