• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Recommended or not, sometimes it’s just really handy to have available. I use Google Sheets for various things (for now), including my monthly budget, and chore/TV/etc schedules for the kids. It’s far easier to just pop in on my phone really quick to look at or edit something when needed, instead of pulling out my laptop that may or may not be dead and waiting for that to boot, or going upstairs to my bedroom to sit at my PC, at which point I would have already forgotten what I was supposed to be doing (fuckin ADHD).

  • Just remember the KISS principal: Keep It Simple, Stupid

    Keep the NAS as a NAS, and I would honestly trim down everything else into a clustered hypervisor setup (like Proxmox) with dedicated VMs to run each stack. That way if you need to take a machine down for whatever reason, you can migrate its VMs/containers to another machine, with minimal downtime, so you can do whatever it is you need to do with said machine.

    Full disclosure: this is what I do. I was in your shoes before.