It’s the amount of data you can download from the usenet network. The data can be anything stored on Usenet servers, but the overwhelming majority of users use it for piracy: movies, tv shows, music, video games, you name it.
It’s the amount of data you can download from the usenet network. The data can be anything stored on Usenet servers, but the overwhelming majority of users use it for piracy: movies, tv shows, music, video games, you name it.
On the steam deck 3rd party launchers are a major pain in the ass.
Glad I canceled my subscription then.
It was like 20 years ago, but their sidewinder brand was pretty great, as was the intellimouse.
LineageOS supports Chromecast with Android TV, haven’t tried it myself though.
Nah, Hibernate, Spring and most major Java frameworks have largely moved away from XML. It’s still supported, but these days it’s mostly configured in the code directly, with properties loaded from yaml, JSON or the environment (for containers).
The JDK ecosystem is in a pretty good spot nowadays. With Spring boot you can whip up a productions ready back-end very fast, or if you prefer a more hands-on approach there are lighter frameworks/libraries quarkus or micronaut.
The Java language itself has evolved fast and is actually pretty nice now, and if you prefer something more modern akin to TS or swift you can just use Kotlin which is almost 100% interoperable with Java.
Since Java 14 it looks like this:
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NullPointerException:
Cannot invoke “String.toLowerCase()” because the return value of “com.baeldung.java14.npe.HelpfulNullPointerException$PersonalDetails.getEmailAddress()” is null
at com.baeldung.java14.npe.HelpfulNullPointerException.main(HelpfulNullPointerException.java:10)
It’s been commonly used as a pejorative in French for a decade or so.
How so? The devices page on the wiki lists 171 officially supported devices. I’m writing this comment on a Poco F3 running the official LineageOS 21 release…
Yeah but for a publicly traded company, quarterly growth is the name of the game. If the numbers go down long enough, it’s game over for them.
I used a compose file from reddit and made a couple of adjustments, it was pretty quick and works great. I dont have a VPN though.
Nope, France. I checked because I wanted to pay for it after pirating it.
Same, stopped pirating when Netflix became available here. By 2024 I was subscribed to 4 different services, and was still missing out on a lot of cool stuff. So when I got my first Prime video ad I just said fuck them, bought a NUC, set up jellyseerr+Jellyfin+a bunch of *arrs, and canceled all my subscriptions. Now I can watch anything I want, and the experience is so much better than any of the legal services.
I recently… acquired Scavengers Reign. It’s one of last year’s best TV shows, but there’s simply no way to watch it legally in my country.
Wireguard, like all VPNs, definitely does E2E encryption. What would be the point of an unencrypted VPN?
As it seems nobody’s linked it yet, have you read Jellyfin’s hardware selection page? They go into great details about which HW features are required/desired.
In my case I’m running it on a NUC with an i3 8109U + 16GB RAM, it runs great with 2 or 3 transcoding jobs at once. Media are stored on 5400-RPM HDDs.
Yeah, I had a feeling that was not the best way to put it but I was in a hurry :)
She’s an Australian American actress who blew up last year (she was in euphoria I think?), expect to see her in a ton of upcoming blockbusters.
Yep, case in point flipping between EST and EDT may be “insane” but that’s the default for systemd-timesyncd. So now you have to be 100% certain that it’s disabled on your servers, and on the remote hosts interacting with them.
The VBA part of the meme is real, VBA is (was?) localized. Turns out it’s a horrible idea: some keywords are badly translated, some are not translated at all. Googling localized error messages is useless, so you need to guess the original error message from the translation. Want to copy/paste a function from SO? Not so fast, you need to translate the keywords first! And the variable names as well while you’re at it.
Ironically, you end up spending a lot of time on translation-related issues. I’ve worked on a french-VBA app, and it was a miserable experience (well, even more miserable than english VBA).