It just dumps out to the empty space in the wall all the way to the floor, it would take a very very long time to fill that up to where it’s “full”, you’d have to fill the wall to that height in a wide area near the hole
It just dumps out to the empty space in the wall all the way to the floor, it would take a very very long time to fill that up to where it’s “full”, you’d have to fill the wall to that height in a wide area near the hole
I have R-CPD which is a condition that causes me to not be able to burp typically. I just got a treatment done to enable me to burp, Botox in the upper esophagus to weaken the dysfunctional muscle in there. This means it has been especially hard for me to swallow for the past few weeks while the Botox was at peak efficacy. Now with that said…
The amount of times in the past few weeks I have choked like this is unreal, relatable as hell. Thanks for reading if you stuck around, I know it’s uninteresting
For most people it ends up being one time as your body “learns” how to use that muscle