As a norwegian who is back to pirating after a break of around 10-12 years, it is not primarily a cost issue. Hell with hardware investments it is costing me more tho that includes stuff for gaming (roms, i currently dont pirate pc games).
What it is is a service issue. Self curated collection of movies and shows beats the fragmented shit that is current streaming platforms not to mention the flood of utter garbage on tgese platforms you have to sift thru to find somethinf worth watching. Not to mention the privacy aspects and in general the “ownership” model (ie licensing without really knowing the terms).
Fuck that shit and im never getting fooled again.
Thats pretty cool, never heard of those kinds of tapes. Im at somewhere between 5-10 TB myself. The cheapest storage units ive seen is about $90/month here so that would be a bit expensive, but there might be some smaller ones for item storage that i dont know about.
ah rotating the drives can is a smart solution, that could be an option.
ah good to know. hopefully will not need the recovery but if i do i would like to avoid paying thousands, because then the idea of spending money to save time in case of emergency doesnt really work anymore
My impressions is that such fireproof safes are only fireproof for so long?
i have been planning on getting on though so could perhaps store the original local copy there for additional safety. depends on the space tho
At $12/terabyte/month it seems pretty expensive for media collection (I mean: family photos are irreplaceable but generic video?)
It is the value of my time i am concerned about not the files themselves. But i can see that there are cheaper options
Other options are to use “glacier” tier S3 which is cheap to rent but ultra expensive to recover (but hopefully you won’t need that)
Ill check that out :)
Or just put a pi+HDD hidden somewhere at work/parents and copy to that
This could be an option but a little cumbersome to keep updated perhaps?
perfect, thanks a lot!!!
Ok thanks i will look into B2 (is that just shorthand for backblaze or is it something in particular?)
I asked below here as well so no need to answer multiple times, but will restic encrypt when transferring or does it require that i can store the entire encrypted archive locally as well? or is that just borg?
thanks, thats very helpful!
One (maybe stupid) question - since restic encrypts, does it do this in transfer or would i need to have additional space on my local hard drives for the encrypted archive?
edit: got an answer to this above: does not require intermediate storage! :)
I wouldn’t
Is it rsync in general you wouldnt or
Never heard of restic so i will definitely need to check this out. I was not planning on having a solution that is continuously running but rather dumping everything there once and then sync new file maybe once a month or something.
It’s a shame it is impossible to find out :/
When i first started as a kid, i just wanted games, shows, movies and music without having to pay for it, as i would not be able to afford it all. First movies from P2P-clients like napster, kazaa and limewire. My older brother taught me what i needed to know to get started with torrenting later, and i built up a great ratio on 3-4 private trackers to get what i needed. This continued until soptify and netflix came along and i had some more cash on hand. The initial service was good enough for me to stop pirating.
So after about a decade of being a landlubber, i started pirating again. The services are fragmented, they treat you like shit and using any of their services is a privacy nightmare. As this dawned on me, i regretted having ever stopped pirating, because now i barely had any stuff at all. I didnt own a thing, and i did not like it. So now i had to spend a lot of time building up a library from (almost) scratch. I have a jellyfin-server running at home with about 600 movies and some of my old favorite shows, while also picking up some of the new stuff that i want. I dont have to sit thru all the bullshit on netflix to find a show/movie i like anymore, and the experience is pure bliss in comparison. Still lacking a bit in the music department, but that is also growing and i again enjoy some of the music i listened to before that is not available on spotify. I dont exclusively pirate though, i purchase some music of bandcamp, games of gog (and steam) and audiobooks of
Next time there is an enticing offer that does not involve downloadable drm-free files, im not falling for it. Fool me once etc etc
Thanks for the tip! I’ve always found Usenet to look too complicated with too high a cost for my rather limited use. But I keep seeing it recommended, so maybe I should give it a go at some point.