Lvxferre [he/him]

The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024


  • OpenAI was not the first domino, just the one that got the most attention.

    Yes, that is correct. And perhaps it got the most attention because of all the ruckus Pigboy did over “his” precious data (i.e. users’) + because it made the whole thing hard to ignore.

    Remember when you bought shit once and that meant you owned it?

    Yeah. I was talking about this with my mum today - the chat started with my cat refusing litterboxes, then “if this was the 90s old newspapers would do the trick”, then on how you don’t really own books you buy from the internet (unlike pirated ones). But it’s the same deal with some physical goods, if someone can brick them from a distance they aren’t really yours.

    [Sorry for the rambling.]

  • We don’t need to lie about it; not even by omission.

    In the best case scenario, Meta is employing an automated moderation system, it’s incorrectly tagging what users share as “spam”, and can’t be arsed to fix the issue in due time - note that this was already attested at least September 2024. That’s more than enough to blame Meta.

    Given Meta tells the truth, but I don’t see any reason to doubt this.

    I see quite a few reasons to not trust = be gullible towards what Meta says. Starting by the fact that it’s on its best interests to silence mentions to competitors.

    1. It’s morally good when people access information, culture, and entertainment.
    2. It’s morally good when the author of a work gets rewarded by their work.

    Piracy is morally justified when 1 is a more pressing matter than 2. As such, it’s justified in situations like this:

    • If, in the absence of piracy, the pirate would still not pay for the goods - because #2 is set up to zero (the author of the work is not rewarded anyway).
    • If it’s impossible to obtain the goods without piracy. For example, abandonware.
    • If the author of the work would get breadcrumbs of the money used to access legally the goods, and the pirate compensates the author directly (e.g. donation).