This. NameCheap actually responds to abuse reports, as well. Turns out they actually think it’s bad for business to allow grifters and con artists to use their services, unlike other major registrars.
Game and Tool developer working with Godot and NixOS.
This. NameCheap actually responds to abuse reports, as well. Turns out they actually think it’s bad for business to allow grifters and con artists to use their services, unlike other major registrars.
Barely Bones sounds like a skeleton’s Only Fans
Perhaps, or a freshly cleaned and lubed engine at normal operating temperature.
Hell, they might not smell like anything at all. There’s a company that is making artificial muscles for robots that only involve water, pressure, and tubing. I think the rest of the bot is plastic.
From my experience, almost everything fails except for one combo: Amazon + United Kingdom. This combo has been flawless every single time, no failures, even when all others fail in the same session.
That being said, the downloaded audio format is hardly consistent. I’ll download a whole album, and half will be in FLAC, the other half in OPUS. Not a big deal with ffmpeg available, but still weird.
Thanks for not including any links at all, Kotaku.
And to add to this, you also have to shut down said road for a time to repair the pothole, which could be costly (traffic-wise) in some areas at certain times.
Bingo. I think they’ll just smell like warm oily metal, but otherwise will clean themselves.
Cars are machines, they get wet and have protections around the parts that shouldn’t get wet. Why would robots be less complex?
Fuck yea, it’s emulating the idea of going to your buddy’s house and being stuck with the weird MadCatz controller.
I love this idea.
I’ve had a good experience with RamNode, and very little limitations in what I can do.
They used to be headquartered in Atlanta, GA (with servers in all major countries/cities) but were recently bought out by another slightly larger provider. I haven’t had any negative experiences since the buy out.
I have 3 minecraft servers running on one VPS at RamNode (it’s a dedicated server, not shared). One is vanilla, one is a heavy tech mod, and the other is a heavy RPG mod. People come and go all the time, no issues. $50/month, though. Note that minecraft is not the only service running on it. It gets very heavily utilized for many, many things.
RamNode will kick you in the ballsac if you try pirating with them, though.
Nope, they fucked up, I’m already gone.
Me to the dingleberries once they finally realize: “STUPID! YOU SO STUPID!”
Damn, what a great movie.
Sheep made of cold, hard cash
I’ve seen others mention the redundancy for the PSUs. One note about that, they are meant to be plugged into 2 different circuits! Otherwise, if they are on the same one and it fails, then redundancy is out the window.
Not a requirement, but if this is going to be a data hoarding type deal or you want it highly available for your purposes, then you should make sure you keep this in mind.
On that same token, read up on RAID Levels for hard drive redundancy.
I use Mullvad and Transmission, and I generally never have issues seeding. I’m currently seeding a few torrents from 1337x, EZTVx, and some linux ISO images.
Whenever I grab FitGirl stuff, I’m usually scraping the Fucking Fast links and using this library to download them, so I can’t speak to whether or not it’s something with FitGirl (but I can’t imagine it would be). Most likely some setting on your end.
I been using Transmission since it came out 20 years ago. I never understood why you would use anything else.
It’s FOSS and has the simplest interface with all the options.
Throughout the years I’ve seen so many of these apps get mass-adopted, then a few years later some issue comes up that makes people mass-exodus to another app and it starts all over again.
Meanwhile, Transmission has been consistent (and you can self-host/run seedboxes with it).
I didn’t work for CVS, just in the same business park.
But yea, especially in Cumberland/Woonsockett it’s a CVS town.
lmao, I can’t believe someone actually beat me to this. I don’t live there now, but used to and worked in Cumberland in that CVS business park. There’s a little pull off spot in there where food trucks setup shop during lunch hour. I’ve never seen such variety in my life!
Also, no taco truck is better than Pollos Locos, especially at 2AM while drunk stumbling out of the Scurvy.
ETA: wait a sec. Jason, DJ, Rhode Island. You don’t work in that same business park, do you?
ETA2: nvm, I stalked your posts a little bit and I very seriously doubt you are who I thought you might be. Weird coincidence, though!
Indeed. It’s slightly less dangerous and more fun to just yell, “FIRE!”