In 1778, Court of Session judges ruled that slavery was incompatible with Scots Law. This ruling meant Knight could not be made to carry out tasks for Wedderburn or be taken back to Jamaica against his will.
Awesome. Knight is a hero.
In 1778, Court of Session judges ruled that slavery was incompatible with Scots Law. This ruling meant Knight could not be made to carry out tasks for Wedderburn or be taken back to Jamaica against his will.
Awesome. Knight is a hero.
The only good thing to come out of this is that the cop quit. I hope he’s billed for the damage to the car anyway.
You provide an excellent example regarding training requirements. As part of those, I would also like to include safe use and home storage.
Yes, I’m American.
People with second amendment bumper stickers on their trucks seem to selectively forget the “well regulated” part.
You nailed it. That’s why I put “okay” in quotes. Those laws exist for a reason, and lionizing cops who break the law only teaches the public to accept that lawbreakers are okay if they’re on Team Good.
Unfortunately, what the government calls “good” and what you and I call “good” are often different things.
That’s “okay”, though, because we, the viewers, often know that the suspect is guilty. The cops still come off as good (and smart, with good intuition as well) because we know for certain that they’re doing the “right” thing.
This was an interesting read, but I’ve got stuff to do today, so I skipped the 90 minute video on their “outrageously ambitious mission”. Anyone care to summarize?
That’s because most fictional cops have ethics, empathy, and a conscience.
Fuck you, Palworld, here comes Donald Duck with a shotgun.
Okay. These reasons make sense. Thanks!
I just do that to be courteous to the dentist, so my breath isn’t gross. I know it’s still obvious that I don’t floss. I see what you’re getting at, but it isn’t quite the same.
I’ve never understood this thought process. Sure, getting some stuff out of their way makes sense (like getting shoes off the floor so the cleaners can vacuum), but why clean?
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It’s very freeing. Not having to care about door dings in a tight parking lot is nice.
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He doesn’t need to normalize it. Anyone demented enough to still support him wants him to be a dictator. The only difference is whether they can admit that to themselves or not.
I don’t even know what ISO 8601 is, but I agree with the sentiment
It seems weird, but makes sense. They already had the equipment to make long, thin ribbons of plastic, after all.
Virtually any company big enough to make a worthwhile phone is going to do terrible things. Think a given company is an exception? They won’t be once they get larger.
That being said, the fact that “everybody does it” doesn’t make it okay. The “blue vs green bubble” shit is nonsense that’s totally unnecessary.
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