The most recent release is headless and only has a web front end.
I don’t know. When I first heard about the horizon scandal I understood what had happened immediately and have since been of the opinion that making financial software that isn’t Byzantine fault tolerant should be a criminal offence.
You don’t have to have anything particularly special. I just have nextcloud via yunohost on a raspberry pi. It’s apparently possible to just plug the harddrive in and use it as external storage, but I’ve mounted it in place of my home folder.
A bit of unsolicited advice now you’re in to tinkering. Set up some kind of NAS.
Having everything available wherever and whenever you need it is so much better than messing about with thumb drives.
You can use tribler as your client. It has built in onion routing.
This is actually pretty interesting. I wish I could pin someone else’s comment. Thanks.
That would still be two layers. Although folding all the corners would allow four fold to equal two.
But that would be two folds, and arguably two layers if the area of the middle section is bigger than the outer sections added together.
Tribler has it’s own in-built onion routing. That might be difficult for your ISP to identify. Idk
I live in a pretty diverse area and everyone loves talking about where they’re from. It’s like a universal ice breaker that can start an engaging conversation with people you otherwise have nothing in common with. Honestly if someone asks where you’re from there’s a far greater chance they’re trying to get off with you than fine tune their racism.
The fundamental problem with cryptocurrencies is that the people with the enthusiasm to make them (libertarians), are too stupid (libertarian) to understand why a deflationary asset cannot work as a currency.
It’s inherently a speculative investment. Nobody is going to spend something that might be worth dramatically more tomorrow and nobody is going work for something that might be worth dramatically less tomorrow.
I’m blaming imgflip, not my incredible laziness
My point isn’t actually about the software.
Agile is a limited form of workplace democracy that succeeded because the usual forms of disciplining workers couldn’t be enforced to stop it. It’s taken off in software because the outlay for software is so low that people can just quit their jobs and start a rival project with preferable working conditions. It’s stuck around because it’s significantly more effective than dictat.
I have problems with agile too. A lot of the “ceremonies” seem more like cult rituals and bad practices are often assumed to be self justifying when they should be interrogated. (I once had a bust up in the office because I insisted in creating a future proof test framework instead of writing just what’s needed at the time. I was overruled and I’m still mad about it).
So I guess my point isn’t even about the specific agile practices either.
The point is that workers are able to self manage when they’re allowed to, and agile has accidentally proven this to be the case. Other work places should adopt some of these ideas. And these ideas should be pushed further, into business decisions and HR and management. And physical communities etc. all the way up to actual government.
To be honest I’d say it’s more similar to anarchism than socialism. Anarchism is voluntarist whilst socialism demands state power first. Both are ideally paths to communism* though so I’m going to say “communism” 'cause it annoys the most people.
communism as in post capitalist, post state utopia, not Stalinism*
I know a joke about UDP.
I know a joke about TCP too.
Did you get it?
What is impact engineering though? If it’s it’s just agile while being cognisant of technical debt over MVPs, I don’t know if it’s necessarily that different.
It seems the study was designed to sell a book and I can’t find anything about what that book says. I should probably read it but the bait way it’s being sold makes me resistant to paying to find out.
There’s some weird witch hunt going on against Dessalines on there. I don’t agree with him on everything, but them trying to hound him out for being a communist, whilst using software he made because he’s a communist is kinda funny.
It’s half way to self management.
Software exists in a world that kind of exists outside of property. Cynics like to think that Agile got big because as some kind of fad because the kids love it, but the reality is that fully hierarchical models just cannot keep up with self organising teams.
The old model - the model that most of the rest of the world of work still uses - simply cannot compete on a level playing field where the means of production (a cheap computer) are available to all. A landowner can stop you building your own house, but Microsoft can’t really stop you building your own software, so they still have to put in work to collect rent.
Imagine what we could accomplish as a species if the goals and distribution of resources were also decided democratically.
I don’t know how far owncloud and nextcloud have diverged, but in the nextcloud client you can add filters to ignore files by clicking the three dots on the folder in settings.
You can also free up local space by using virtual folders, but it only works properly on windows.