Harder R if you want the SlaveR to whip the SlaveE :'D
Also just kidding. I really really dont understand a lot of the sensitivity and sentiment against words. Words are NOT Violence as long as you agree to be civil and not militant.
Harder R if you want the SlaveR to whip the SlaveE :'D
Also just kidding. I really really dont understand a lot of the sensitivity and sentiment against words. Words are NOT Violence as long as you agree to be civil and not militant.
Pastor and his muppets :'D Spoonerism got me on this one. :'D
Usually quorum is maintained by using odd numbering so that when one node fails the next sequential node assumes the role allowing quorum-election breaking any ties.
And red-lining districts, and bull-dozing new black towns for highways. etc etc etc
There are so many instances of going around laws just to disadvantage black/coloured people.
Pulling the ladder up after themselves and telling others to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
Many things were wrong, but language is where people draw the line, like … c’mon. Using slurs I can understand it is uncouth offensive. But master/slave in technical terms ??? NO ONE means the original meanings unless they are also crazy!
A master-drivetrain and a slaved-drivetrain … its not about slavery. I dont understand why people have to be so sensitive. We know human slavery is bad. So we dont do it. Same for a lot of instances of Animal slavery which is acceptable for a lot of people, we dont call it that, it is called “farming” or “husbandry”.
btw Im just kidding, I wanna trigger a vegan into a response :-D
Yes PATA IDE was the full old term. Now we have SATA ( SCSI ? or IDE? i dont remember ) .
PATA = Parallel - ATA SATA = Serial - ATA
Swyers disease. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XY_gonadal_dysgenesis
A Genetically-born XY person with fully developed female-organs and no visible male-organs hence failed to go through male-puberty remaining for all intents and purposes female-adjacent.
The Olympics committee via Scientific investigation have determined that Swyers disease persons are essentially female from birth including physical characteristics hence an exception has been made to be allowed in the Olympics female category for participation.
Trans-persons are still not allowed in the Olympics female category no exceptions.
Are those Golden-Orb Weaver spiders ? Those things make MASSIVE webs that can catch small birds!
Also if you live in the tropics, either be friendly and cool and dont disturb them Or be gentle and cool and DONT disturb them. It is quite easy to pick off their web strands and let them rebuild a different layout not going across human paths.
In my young age I have handled these in the wild where very few humans tend to wander around. Unless you panic and try to squish them, they tend to be very docile and not at all aggressive. These things are very okay building in urban areas as much as in forests.
Not all spiders are equal. So treat nature with respect and stay the heck away unless you are some kind of scientist or specialist in spiders.
Yep. Its like finals. You get your one-shot to get it right. Else you have to rebuild to try the next 4 years after. You get to the Olympics means you are the best of the best. And winning a medal is literally 3 out of 7 Billion human beings.
So you prepare and prepare and hope you do it all with less errors than the other guys.
search google smart cycle light autosense brake light.
The Brits flew night raids deep into Europe, dropped their payloads and returned home. The Tech definitely DID EXIST.
Agreed. The systemic exclusion of POC from benefits and advantages was rolled back just as POCs were becoming independent. It affected BOTH communities , POCs AND economically dis-advantaged equally.
So you had a substantial population with severe economic and political disadvantages being relentessly targetted by those in power.
Hence, the current top-1% control 80% upwards of everything.