Hi guy

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • It’s unfortunate that bolding doesn’t really stand out on here (at least on jerboa).

    I’ve posted and shared that excerpt about the white moderate, aka, the centrist, the fence sitter, the ‘I don’t want to take sides’/‘I don’t know enough to do something’/‘I don’t want to know’, people. (Am white, not moderate, yet surrounded by every type mentioned)

    It is truly amazing and infuriating how so many people are content with being complacent and apathetic.

    Sometimes, I truly hate this world.

  • Sure. But they also allegedly found the gun, his phone, his notebook, DNA, a rather unique backpack, etc. Allegedly. Maybe he wanted to be found … Because he was the fall guy. Or the guy they brought in to make us all feel no one can evade the long arm of the law (except the people who assassinated all the civil rights folk and a president, and those boys from the wiley house of saud)

    It is definitely coincidental in the simulation is collapsing kind of way. The name is too spot on.

    Or. Maybe he did. And he wasn’t that experienced at killing and stuff.

    Either way, the first domino has fallen. The collective anger has been heard and felt. What we’ve all thought has been said. And most agree.