The next scandal involving musk should be that he wasn’t assassinated sooner.
Hi guy
The next scandal involving musk should be that he wasn’t assassinated sooner.
Use f-droid. The apps may not always be as polished (hell, some play store apps look like they came out of 2005), but you can filter apps by anti-features such as ads, tracking, permissions, etc.
As for what you’ve mentioned:
The fossify repo of apps is privacy friendly, no ads, etc.
Fossify Voice Recorder (Record anything with this Open-source and Ad-free recorder) https://f-droid.org/packages/org.fossify.voicerecorder/
Wouldn’t and couldn’t.
I’m going to download a sketchy Chinese app instead.
I thought I was the only one.
Ublock > block element
Bell is my ISP. Bell is NOT my DNS provider.
I have never heard of this site.
I tried one of the sites specifically listed on the block order.
I admit it.
It was me, Mario!
But my name is actually Guy Tomber, and I’m French.
(For those who don’t speak the language of love, that translates, in a punny way, to ‘fall guy’)
Sure. But they also allegedly found the gun, his phone, his notebook, DNA, a rather unique backpack, etc. Allegedly. Maybe he wanted to be found … Because he was the fall guy. Or the guy they brought in to make us all feel no one can evade the long arm of the law (except the people who assassinated all the civil rights folk and a president, and those boys from the wiley house of saud)
It is definitely coincidental in the simulation is collapsing kind of way. The name is too spot on.
Or. Maybe he did. And he wasn’t that experienced at killing and stuff.
Either way, the first domino has fallen. The collective anger has been heard and felt. What we’ve all thought has been said. And most agree.
I knew I couldn’t have been the only one.
I speak a little french and it has the same root in manger (to eat) or the thing that Jesus dude was placedin - a manger (a feeding trough) and for whatever reason at that moment words worded.
Sorry, we can’t refund that. Wasn’t Prime. Please contact the seller, qinxihcthiqixhizysqyttizxciic xzihchizizzyq, for further assistance.
The sites headline misses key words that COMPLETELY change what the content of the article is about:
…aim to unite In Preparation for Resisting…
Yell louder while providing nothing useful to say.
Things exist. Things you may not know about.
Questions exist.
They are used to ask questions.
There’s only one person stomping around in this post. It isn’t OP.
Cup of 2 girls.
Because tea is shit.
Try this instead
The document you found is probably dated 2014. A lot of the old tor docs are still online.
I watch 1080p streaming and on demand video all the time. No problem.
I watch YouTube in HD via pipe over tor all the time. No problem.
Maybe 10 years ago it couldn’t handle it. When it was all basement rigs.
There is high volume investment in nodes from a large number of companies and organizations.
My current connection speed test result is ~50Mbps. Using bridges. To an exit node in the US. More than fast enough for HD streaming.
If I find a node that isn’t fast, I change it.
Another thing: there are other ‘dark web’ protocols and services, not just tor.
Edit (op is a 2 day old account, so… Grain of salt)
Things like this already have existed and will exist.
Tor can handle high bandwidth, high volume traffic. It’s grown massively over the years with more large financial contributions from privacy centric organizations. Some nodes are better than others, but I have no problem with HD video streams. (Was tor even mentioned? Maybe I missed that part)
As for violent, illegal, sexual depravity, it certainly exists. It’s those clients that support the services. Not the network.
Hidden authenticated onion services also exist.
Onionshare is also a thing.
2007 was the time to fight Facebook.
2024 is the time to stop fighting and wage war.
In other related news: CEOs have been put on notice.
We can thank Henry Ford for his racist work in making that (and the notorious The International Jew) document the massive success it was.
At least they don’t whitewash his history
If musk owns any specific account, or all, wouldn’t that make him responsible for it’s content?
When I deleted my account it said it was my account.
Which is it?
It’s unfortunate that bolding doesn’t really stand out on here (at least on jerboa).
I’ve posted and shared that excerpt about the white moderate, aka, the centrist, the fence sitter, the ‘I don’t want to take sides’/‘I don’t know enough to do something’/‘I don’t want to know’, people. (Am white, not moderate, yet surrounded by every type mentioned)
It is truly amazing and infuriating how so many people are content with being complacent and apathetic.
Sometimes, I truly hate this world.