“my politics are fiscally liberal, socially terrifying”
“my politics are fiscally liberal, socially terrifying”
Latex is a left wing kink (restriction of rights)
Custard pies are right wing (impurity)
Smoking is left wing unless it’s American Spirits
Being trod in with stilettos is right wing (fem Dom)
Wearing a diaper is right wing if a man does it, left wing if a woman does it (gender infantalization)
Last night I whispered “supply side economics” into her ear and she said “you’re a fucking freak”
I think a huge misstep of the original argument is “career politician bad”. Biden is seen as a one man “dynasty” because he has ~50 years of experience. Obama and Clinton are only seen as dynasties because they had active First Ladies so there’s a “power couple” image.
I think it’s fair to say there are political dynasties- the Kennedy’s, the Bushes- and it makes sense that they will tend to happen naturally. If my dad was president of the United States, at the age of 12 I’d have a much better understanding of the Washington Political Machine than most people.
Usually when we think of “Outsider” candidates, we think of people who have 0 government experience who enter the arena. Notice that Trump isn’t mentioned in the post. Ofc Trump was as embedded in the Washington establishment as much as anyone else when he ran in 2016, having ran for president previously and using the ol’ “wine and dine” method generously to help him get a leg up in business.
I personally don’t think it’s a bad thing to have a ton of experience in getting a lot of people to do one thing together- oddly enough that’s an INCREDIBLY HARD THING TO DO. We need all sorts of people in politics in order to represent the people accurately. The Tim Walz’s and AOC’s in congress brought so much to the table- they know what it’s like to grow up as the everyday American. The Biden’s and the Pelosi’s have been removed from that world for so long it’s understandable they might not have the most accurate picture of modern American life, but they do have the deep understanding for how to get things done. In Biden’s single term, he has outpaced most presidents in getting legislation passed. I remember being optimistic in 2020 hoping Biden would be a modern LBJ, and by gum I think ol’ Joe did it.
“I will have you know I’m a self made man, just like my father and his father before him”
The amount of times people have called my trumpet a saxophone, or my trombone a saxophone, or my clarinet a saxophone, or my melodica a saxophone, or my saxophone a saxophone apauls me.
Never call someone a saxophone; not only is it rude, it’s a slur and against the law.
And if I were guilty, I would not trust him because he was my partner who turned me in and got away before he was identified. He’s smiling because he knows I know what he’d do to my parents if I snitched, and he’s getting away with my half of the fortune. I also know he’s most likely going to marry my girlfriend because the love triangle was so plain as day.
If it hadn’t been for Willem Dafoe, I’d be married a long time ago. Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from Willem Dafoe?
Yes, but all Minecraft villagers are also war criminals.
All Texans are war criminals
This reminds me of when I was in college and was undiagnosed Bipolar disorder, and my roommate was undiagnosed OCD. I was up and bopping at 3 am and decided to help my OCD roommate with the dishes since he was up and bopping but for very different reasons. I was drying a dish when our third, neurotypical, roommate came out to ask us to stop since we were being loud.
I looked at the dish I was washing and shushed it and told it to be nicer to my roommate.
He also would masturbate in the middle of the market, and when confronted said “if only hunger could be satisfied by rubbing your belly”
He also lived in a bathtub.
“You can philosophize over how many fairies fit on a toadstool all day, but if it won’t help anything, what’s the point?”
If you’re talking politics, you need to take a step back and ask how useful your questions are. It may be tempting to try solving a conflict that has a long history by finding out “who started it”, but if the answer would yield no progress in the peace process, it would be a better use of time and energy to focus on other discussions.
I’ve used it as an economic philosophy as well. Instead of looking at capitalism and socialism as ideologies to guide thought, look at them as tools to an end. Identify your goals for society (more educated populace, lower infant mortality, greater freedom of the press, etc.) and then look at what different perspectives bring for solutions. Sometimes you may find letting a free market take it’s course is an answer. Sometimes you may find deep regulation or nationalization is the answer.
When this philosophy is applied to something more personal like religion, it would ask “is the religion that you are in helping you or hindering you?” If someone’s religion gives them immense guilt and depression, it would be worth it to consider something else. If an alcoholic finds peace in a Mormon Temple, then it might just be what they need. It’s a pretty chill philosophy when it comes to religion.
Depends on what you’re wanting to focus on, but a great start would be Rules for Rulers by Arnold Meltsner, Freakonomics by Levitt & Dubner, CIA: legacy of Ashes by Tim Weiner, confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins are some that I started early.
CGP Grey did a great job synthesizing Rules for Rulers on YouTube as well.
Also a big think video Why Sociopaths Rise to Power
Also Veritasium has a great video on game theory
Hope that helps!
So this supports my point completely. No fuckin clue what you’re saying.
Haha, the appeal of political science to me is less about arguing with strangers about the news and more talking about broader philosophies and theories and then applying them to what we are seeing in the world. I feel like I can have a more nuanced conversation about the prisoner’s dilemma with regards to x topic, or applying philosophies like American Pragmatism to solving problems.
Talking about the news without using some of the tools political scientists use has so many emotional trip wires that it can feel like I’m just keeping up with the Kardashians. That said sometimes I just can’t help but keep up with the Kardashians.
Hell yea I love a good wiki deep dive
I am actually writing an analysis of the music industry and counter culture responses with regards to AI and the future of music! I’m calling it musical humanism. 🎷 🎺 🎸
Agreed, what’s a good alternative I can advertise on my community?
Lol I’m a newb
I’ll edit my comment!
My hot take is that there’s an assumption that the employees don’t want to go waaaaayyyyy out to get the carts.
When I worked at whole foods, I loved the outfield carts. I got to get away from the all seeing eye of management for a little bit, sometimes see a sunset, get to breathe some fresh air- and I’d take my time and just say “man, the carts are far out today” if asked.
I know not everyone is like me, but not everyone is unlike me either.
Sometimes I still take a cart to the furthest possible space to give the poor cart worker a damn break.