37 is my favorite, because 3x7x37=777 (three sevens), and I think that’s neat.
37 is my favorite, because 3x7x37=777 (three sevens), and I think that’s neat.
Very good point, my bad.
The only other fast way to fight it is with violence, but without clear national unity and already decent leadership it usually results in some form of autocracy, making the situation worse.
Edit: violent revolution* usually doesn’t work, but violence itself can be rather effective
Most of the time I don’t even write, I type or use swipe-to-text.
I believe it’s 32 bytes, but it depends on the AP, some use a null terminator as the final byte.
Maybe Danny Phantom should be more open to the possibility of traumatized ghosts.
Wouldn’t algae be the most efficient at oxygen production? You’d still need about 1000L of water for the algae (assuming a 1L:1g ratio for the algae to thrive), the light source would hopefully be solar or else you’re using a lot of energy (good luck bunker people), and you’d have to have some method of feeding and filtering it (maybe its output can be something else’s input and vice versa?), but it’s a little more doable than 8-12 oaks.
I think this is the guy, though it might’ve been a flute, not an ocarina, not sure.
They never get the faces right.
I’ve never been a fan of this idea, it doesn’t go far enough and further makes things less symmetric/divisible. I say we use 6-day weeks, 5 weeks per month, 12 months per year, and an inter-calary holiday week of 5-6 days. A six day week means 4 days working, 2 days rest, and that can be staggered more easily/equitably assuming work needs full coverage in a week. We start the new year on the Spring Equinox because it’s generally more pleasant.
For bonus points, we switch to base-12 (or dozenal) in our numbering system because after the transition it’s a much easier system to deal with as far as division and multiplication is concerned (e.g. 1/4 would be .3 instead of .25, 1/3 is .4 instead of .333…, 1/2 is .6, etc.).
I think a high score might mean fibrillation depending on the runner, so please be choosy with your scare victim.
Yep, that’s emergence, where the models of simple systems, interacting en masse, generate complexity/‘chaos’ more easily predicted by different models within that set of parameters/scale. Basically, it’s like modeling the behavior of fractals from their appearance instead of the underlying ruleset, because what the rules generate is unexpected to our human brains, so we need to make new rules that allow us to more easily predict things, even if those rules aren’t as perfect as the ruleset itself.
Yeah it turns out a whole bunch of English words are spelled more like a linguistic history lesson than anything approaching a useful system of phonetics. It might as well be pictographic with letters being helpful hints at this point. I wish there could be spelling reform in the anglosphere, but it’s hard enough to get people to agree within any one of the majority English-speaking countries, let alone between them.
Adjacent to this is either A) info dumping and feeling the other person start zoning out, or (possibly worse) B) info dumping and feeling yourself start zoning out mid-sentence.
Yes, I tested through 23andMe and then downloaded my genes. Occasionally I compare them to recent studies with https://codegene.eu, which is how I learned a bit about a cholesterol metabolism gene mutation increasing the probability of Alzheimer’s.
My attitude to privacy is probably more complacent than it should be.
I have one allele of the soapy gene variant at rs2741762, and I really like cilantro and coriander. But I also like any weird or different smells, it appears as if I smell everything a little more strongly, and nothing is truly disgusting for me taste-wise (texture though: can’t stand anything that has a vein-like quality). I have ADHD though, and one emergent behavior from that is pursuing the interesting/novel over the good, smells included.
It’s called a skeuomorph, and many times the camera symbol is one too, as most modern cameras don’t look like that.