+1 for Sanderson. Just leave The stormlight archives for last because it’s an ongoing series and might take a while to finish. He has plenty of other good material, though.
+1 for Sanderson. Just leave The stormlight archives for last because it’s an ongoing series and might take a while to finish. He has plenty of other good material, though.
I thankfully got lost on the plot sometime between S3 and S4, decided there was no possible chance for a satisfying ending and quit.
Wouldn’t calling them drugheads be more inclusive? Just saying.
Upvote for the stormlight archives reference.
And when we do pay for it (magazines, physical newspapers) it’s over half ads.
There is simple solution: just ignore it. Don’t refer to it in any way.
Region locked for me, bummer.
I think you hit the main issue right there. Devs don’t hate the tool, they hate that the tool doesn’t solve the issue. Like trying to drill a hole with a screw and a hammer.
What about typecasting to a car?