I’ve never had a problem with
abcde -o flac
He/Him bi guy that shitposts some of the day
I’ve never had a problem with
abcde -o flac
What os/frontend would you recommend?
About 30 seconds
You get a whole 40 Mbps?
Ok I didn’t know about employers recording at home workers. That’s messed up.
What about every person in retail? There’s like 15 cameras in the small store I work at so basically my every move is recorded.
It’s the I like trains kid from asdf movie
I live like a 45 min drive from Canada and it’s been like 85 and sunny for 2 weeks. It feels like a sauna
Whatever gets me out of work
Ok that’s a little better than I thought it was. However it is still proprietary, so you just have to trust the dev collection is turned off.
Yeah I’m more than willing to pay for apps, but I hate spyware. I wish instead of ads there was just like a $5-10 price, or a subscription of like $2 a month or something along those lines. (Idk what the actual cost to develop the app is, I’m just spitballing prices)
I really wanted to like loop hero but it just becomes so grindy. There’s just a wall where progress almost halts after act 2.
Local diners always have the best food. Same thing with small pizza places run by italian families.
From what I remember it was like 20 fps, but it was playable. I don’t know how any bigger dungeons or a lot of players on screen would perform though.
BeamNG Drive. I have way too much time in that game and I have barely touched making mods.
It’s not exactly weird, but I loved the giant “duke” controller for the og xbox. A lot of people hated it but I think it’s one of the most comfortable controllers ever made.