Getting into documentation is dangerous territory… Try not to make a habit of it!
Getting into documentation is dangerous territory… Try not to make a habit of it!
plutocracy confirmed
told my gf last night I’d never consider living where we can’t smoke weed and she can’t be fully autonomous with her body; “maybe the most romantic thing I’ve ever been told” lol 🤙
true shit! That and theming live journal for some ladies was a good racket in HS
this one does require a “small” amount of “critical thinking”
ol peg leg was a fuckin smoke show too dude. Big Al had the blueprint, just tune in and watch him work
All I ever wanted was an apple helicopter ride
You wanna get high and clean up bro?
do you live ON train tracks? how often is shit just falling out around you? usually a pretty cozy fit on most things imo 🤔
do you like the display port push tab? I feel like many of those are a PITA for real
lil tong squeeze to see if she’s workin
you a director yet? that’s gandalf level wisdom
mmm and she probably doesn’t fuck with abdl like ol Dorito Donny the fascist cuck
this shit is only safe in Houston, do your research folks 💅
What other big ideas have you had 😏
The whole process of people trying to bring too much and be reprimanded gets old on large scale, every. Fucking.time. as well
Sometimes shit goes though 🤙
well this sounds like a matter of perspective