Multi-account containers are already all I need.
Multi-account containers are already all I need.
Multi-account containers are already all I need.
As a developer I like to mess with everything. Currently we are doing an infrastructure migration and I had to do a lot of non-development stuff to make it happen.
Honesly I find it really usefull (but not necessary) to have some understanding of the underying processes of the code I’m working with.
Huh? What is there to do? Datacenter, cloud computing?
In IT context local is a well establised term. It’s either hosted locally, i. e. on machine running the browser or not. A datacenter or cloud are remote machines also by the same well established definition.
Not on mobile but on desktop Firefox Multi-Account Containers paired with Temporary Containers is a funcking godsend. Especially so when I’m doing web dev work.
Other that that uBlock is pretty high on the list as usuall.
The new animated Spider-man movies were awesome, fucking loved it. Also Deadpool still seems to keep up the quality when comparing the first to. The boys also rock, I just hope the show doesn’t drag on too long. I’d say superhero media still has good stuff, it’s just way more saturatred, so good stuff has to stand out somehow.
Hmm… I’ve stopped watching Marvel after the endgame, I just felt oversaturated with superhero stories. Never recovered.
I’ve never really liked Star wars. I was exposed to it at an age where all I cared was cool action sequences and the prequels did it better. Tried watching the new ones and they were just boring.
Pixar seems to be doing fine? The second inside out was fine. I mean it’s more of the same as the first one, but it’s a good kids movie. Not sure about their other stuff, but I don’t recall anything particularly bad.
During my time in a call center people would often call for invoices or messages they received. Most of my work there was reading the thing together with them. Nothing more was necessary, I just read alound their itemized invoice that they had received and it would solve their problem.
Click through pop-ups are even worse in this regard. I myself usually just automatically click No before I understand what just happened.
Dunno never saw the appeal anyway
Snapchat has a web client? :o
How is IAs approach much different to that of a regular library?
True, they were digitising physical books and lending copies. But this is not much different from how a regular library works (assuming controlled digital lending, yeah I heard aboud Covid period 😕).
I’m not an expert on American law (know nothing about it), but reading the articles and comments I thing there’s an argument to be made for IA functioning as a library.
We do add various cheeses to our pasta and it tastes good. It’s usually just a quick and easy meal but it’s nothing special.
Not sure how mac and cheese (not the box stuff) could be much different. Although, I’ve never had a meal that would be specifically called mac and cheese.
I develop and test only on firefox
Monitors – hell yes! RGB – can’t stand it. My keyborad has a plain white backlight and that’s it. It’s purely functional.
So there is a thing I kind of pirate, but not entirely – e-books.
But thing is, our public library page has e-books and some of them are available to be read online. Now I cannot officially download them, however opening a network tab on browser console shows me a request to download the whole .epub
file. So what I do is copy that request as curl
and just download it via terminal.
Is it piracy, probably, is this resource publicly available for me to read, definetly yes.
Other than that I don’t really pirate much else.
I’ve been using Kobo Libra 2 for more than a year now. It’s good for me as I mostly read books. It’s black and white and has adjustable (intensity and temperature) backlight. One thing I’d recomend – get a case as well. The screen is rather soft and scraches easily.
Other than that I can’t recomend much else since I haven’t had anything else. It’ll depend very much on your use case: do you need a collored screen, what do you intend to read, comics, PDFs, regular books.
Reading regular books screen size does not matter as much as for PDFs and comics. And for comics colored screen might be a better choise.
My general recomendation: an adjustable backlight is a must, both intensity and temperature, deside on a size and color requirements and start looking for something in your price range. Kobo and Onyx were the brands I looked at first, but there are others.
I’m pretty much the same. Although my e-reader supports generic epub files, so I go to whichever book shop site and look for ebooks.
When I bought my e-reader, I specifically looked for one that wouldn’t lock me into their ecosystem too much.
Multi-account containers are already all I need.