My favorite overall is Black Flag but it’s not really an AC game so Brotherhood. AC really died with Desmond
If you’re wondering if I’m insane or something, just reply to the comment I made since I’m dyslexic and it might just be that I wrote it weird. Skipping letters, words or even sentences is very regular for me.
My favorite overall is Black Flag but it’s not really an AC game so Brotherhood. AC really died with Desmond
The meat certainly was elsewhere and you even got punished for clearing the main quest early. I’ve always loved the Daedric prince quests as they are all kind of wacky and Dark Brotherhood is pretty good. Best thing about Oblivion has to be Shivering Isles though and I will fight anyone who dares to say otherwise.
That’s still some Vsauce level reaching that “we don’t actually even see anything”. The tech doesn’t matter when playing and if it looks blurry, then it is blurry.
But do they still look like blur? That’s the only thing that matters. Ray tracing is also cool but if my frames die because of it, it gets disbled.
My aim was never to emulate but to play. Blur filters are something that I won’t be using.
Well the joy-cons kinda do that but if you wanted something that’s actually adult sized you’d have to check 3rd party options and there’s probably no guarantee that it will work on anything other than the Switch.
Do you mean like they are on the home page?
Like a sim game or Planet Sweeper?
OTXO just might have been better than Hotline Miami if it was actually released in 2012. My personal gripe with it is how using a mouse at 60fps in [current year] just feels awful.
I would say that it’s offensive to put Early Access games on those lists. It clouds people’s judgment as they are valued with different standards and are expected to get better (especially if more people support the game). Any game that’s not fully released is a 0/10 in my book even if they were my favorite games.
Ah, so Read Dead Revolver?
So just like how Assassin’s Creed does it? I really hope they do more than just a reskin.
Btw if you actually enjoy Minesweeper, try Globesweeper.
Uncharted on console/with a controller. Unless you really love sitting behind knee-high-cover™ I highly recommend playing them on easy and like an older Tomb Raider game. Much more fun that way.
I have some games that I’m sure I didn’t purchase but are not tied to the PS Plus. Maybe it’s a bug?
That’s usually without tax in US, right?
I just started playing Stories yesterday in order to learn Japanese. It’s wild how different some of the names are. Hopefully the language barrier will keep me occupied until Wilds is released.
I’ve been playing since Freedom 2 and have played almost all of them to at least village completion. Exceptions are Tri and Frontier(s?). Def my favorite series by far and even if they have had their failed experiments, I’m glad they tried them.
I’ve tried fair share of clones as well but they usually don’t hit the mark.
This would be a perfect spot to advertise that EU petition. There must’ve been at least 1 person who liked the game and now can’t play anymore.
Well I already run an adblocker in 1 game so I guess another won’t hurt. At least after I’m actually willing to update. (Yes there is a mod that does that)
Finished playing Elden Ring DLC. Started going through Kenshi in Japanese and continued MH Stories (in Japaneseas well).