Afaik LibreWolf has the global menu patch included. So it should still work on Firefox.
Afaik LibreWolf has the global menu patch included. So it should still work on Firefox.
Sustainability of a business strategy? But wouldn’t that cost them those sweet short term gains?
You just reinvented the Turing test, but you’re right.
Diabetes, the only thing sweeter than him is his blood…
But then the Bluetooth remotes attacked and everything changed…
Fun fact: slugs are called naked snails in German (Nacktschnecken)
You need to grab the Duolingo APK from a source like APKpure or APKMirror and patch this file.
This is because the installed Duolingo app consists of multiple (split-)APKs.
Afaik the deal between Mozilla/Firefox and Alphabet/Google is that Mozilla receives funding for setting Google as the default search engine. When the user decides to change that after install it has no influence on that contract.
My guess is that the deal is based on Firefox’ market share, so as long as the fork identifies as Firefox by user agent, this shouldn’t influence it at all.
There can be only estimations, either based on market share analysis or build-in telemetry.
Windscribe works for me. You can either use their software which is open source or create personal VPN configs on their site to use it with your distros network manager.
But the definition is made up nonsense. The Simile principle and the definition of allopathy as opposite of a disease vector are false. The only active agents that could be defined as such opposites are antibiotics and virustatics.
Alternative medicine kills, every day. So being scientific correct has nothing to do with being offended.
This is the bullshit homeopathy tells since the beginning.
If true homeopaths would offer you influenza globuli against a flu but instead you get Aconitum napellus, an extremely poisonous flower.
That’s poison is then watered down till there isn’t a single molecule of it left. Afterwards it is sprayed on globulis or further diluted in alcohol. But that’s okay because homeopathy believes in the “memory of water” that is complete nonsense on it’s own.
Vaccines have nothing in common with homeopathy.
Vaccines are a preventive measure that expose your immune system to small amount of pathogens, their toxins or small parts of their genetic code (mRNA vaccines) to build up immunity and prevent or lessen future infections. Their effects are proven in multiple studies and meta studies.
Homeopathy is quackery that dilutes organic or anorganic materials (that randomly got associated with symptoms, e.g. Berlin Wall against binding problems) to infinity to treat an existing condition.
Every high-quality scientific study leads to the realisation that Homeopathy doesn’t act beyond placebo effects.
It seems to work https://librewolf.net/docs/faq/#can-i-use-firefox-sync-with-librewolf-is-it-safe-to-do-so