Could you elaborate on the text render and smooth scroll tweaks? I’m always interested in toying around with this kind of stuff :D
Could you elaborate on the text render and smooth scroll tweaks? I’m always interested in toying around with this kind of stuff :D
Interesting. I use a 32" 1440p screen (100% scaling) and I prefer the smaller one. I always found scroll bars to be unnecessarily large (especially in drop downs) as I solely use then as a visual indicator.
I’m glad we have options so everyone can have their preferred size!
Yahoo is pretty big in Japan. They offer a service called Yahoo Auctions Japan that is pretty similar to ebay.
You could create a burner account to be on the safe side. I believe there is a way to export the channels you’ve subscribed to and I port them to a new account. Haven’t tried that myself though yet.
I had to ‘fight’ at the beginning as well, but after eventually progressing and ultimately finishing the game I can tell you it was one if the, if not THE best experience I’ve ever had. To this day certain parts soundtrack of the soundtrack make me tear up when I listen to them.
That being said you really need to want to understand the game in order to complete it. I don’t think it’s a mindless experience that you can just have on while watching something else on a second monitor. If that sounds like a game that you might like I absolutely recommend sticking with it!
Thanks a ton!