I think it’s worth it too. People are just weird about paying for a product that supports individuals creative ambitions just because a company takes a cut. Admittedly better content than streaming services most the time anyway.
I think it’s worth it too. People are just weird about paying for a product that supports individuals creative ambitions just because a company takes a cut. Admittedly better content than streaming services most the time anyway.
Still learning, they just covered compiler flags in cs. They didn’t go into detail yet though.
Edit: I’ve used python for years and they have something equally dumb. You can have a function in a massive application that is broken and the moment it’s called, the application crashes.
At any other point the application will just run as if nothing is wrong even though python evaluates everything at runtime. I’m sure they can’t do much because the initial launch would be slow.
It was the only way I could tell how much time is left, I didn’t have a phone till highschool. In school counting down the second till school was over was so crucial.
Machine code would be a better example of what he’s talking about imo. Not an expert or anything of course.
It wouldn’t be that much processing compared to the rest of the app. It would lot more efficient than running an effectively infinite loop or arithmetic on an arbitrarily large number as a result of an unsigned variables.
If it’s going to compile without any warnings I’d rather the app crash rather than continue execution with rogue values as it does now.
There is so much room for things like corrupted files or undocumented behavior until it crashes. Without the compiler babysitting you it’s a lot easier to find broken variables when they don’t point to garbage.
I forgot to assign a variable, now it crashes %5 of the time. It’s wild how c doesn’t default variables to null or something.
I do appreciate it, I know I’m no idiot.
To be honest, I kinda wish some projects came with API manuals. I understand it’s not a priority in an open source project with limited resources.
It would be nice to use a python based ml tool without passing commands through it via shell. People do it, I just don’t have the time or experience to analyze a complex project like ML voice synthesis.
So you’re saying it should wick the water from the cup to the table like an oil lantern. That seems like a good way to have half of your cup on the table.😂
If you get it to travel up the string, gravity will definitely do the rest. It seems like such a passive aggressive way to design a product and I’m all for it.
I can be an idiot every once and a blue moon. Thank you to anyone who put literally everything a manual just in case someone is braindead and isn’t afraid to rtfm.
To be honest it’s just after I’ve spent 10 hours on something fairly complicated and new to me. I suddenly can’t think for myself anymore. It literally becomes a chore to do the simplest shit sometimes.
I know, I’m one of them😆🤙. I try not to be annoying though, hope you didn’t take it wrong. Edit: sorry, though this was a comment on my response to someone being weird about rust.
If anyone truly cares about the community and want people to switch. They need to be understanding and willing to accept the fact some people have good reasons not to switch. Being pushy or insulting isn’t going to win them back and will most likely sour their perception of linux.
I remember how much hate I got for using an Nvidia graphics card on linux. I also remember helping other people get Linux running on their graphics cards. There were so many toxic individuals that would scold new users for “supporting Nvidia, that evil company” despite the fact most people switching from windows probably already owned that Nvidia card.
There were also others that long since given up because of all the hate they received. I want that to be uncommon and thankfully it seems to be more the case nowadays.
You joking? 😆 I don’t want to discourage you from giving rust a try but come on. Have you ever talked to a developer that spent any real time with rust, anyone that got as far as multi threading?
It’s a dumb reason to get banned from an instance. I don’t see anything wrong with making an observation other programmers have already made. Thanks for the warning though.
Just switch over, if you like! I want you to feel comfortable with the decision and feel motivated to give it a good shot.
If it’s not for you, I understand. Maybe in a few years it’ll be a better fit but it’s no rush.
So long as it survives rusts complexity and lack of portability. I’m always down for more options!
That or the free internet as we know it will be dead by the time it reaches production.
Can’t wait for ladybird to come out! Finally something that speaks our language.
I like my system 76!
Unless it’s a company, good luc…
Hay, how would you like writing documentation for all these open source projects? We would be ever greatful, you could even put your name in the credits!
I’m bad at naming things too🖐️