Because the actual calculations aren’t done by the client but the server, or they should be
Because the actual calculations aren’t done by the client but the server, or they should be
So do I, working with electron is the shit
Tauri v2 just got released, it’s very recent and corps move slowly; besides, rewriting a project in a different framework is a major undertaking, it would be a bad idea to rewrite a major project in Tauri, which is still not as widespread. I’m unfortunate enough to have to work with Electron and Tauri greatly improves on everything that is wrong with Electron. I have no doubt that companies will begin adopt it in the following years (or a similar tool, the underlying architecture is solid).
There is Tauri which is so much better both from UX and DX.
Non profit means their earnings must match their expenses or be used to actually improve the product/service, not that they earn nothing at all
That’s great!
Yeah I have the same problem, usually you have to turn it on before turning on the pc or just replug the USB dongle
Pretty sure it’s possible to opt out
There is a decky plugin for that already tbf
Probably they understood that they couldn’t realistically check every new and old game out there and that people could patch games themselves, so it would be kind of misleading and pointless. Just like SteamDeck now: you get the “not-compatible” warning with working games that don’t have a nice starting UX but that works just fine
Mmh I see! I used a tool to convert the website to an electron package (for Linux), but the experience was just the same as using the browser so I just went with that tbf
I agree that ElectronJS is shit but the idea behind isn’t bad. See tauri, it achieved the same thing but better
Source: I’m a developer forced to also work with electron
What’s the difference to open it in your own browser then?
I love how somehow electron is the lazy way while web apps isn’t, even though electron is just an executable with chromium bundled
Which honestly makes sense, what’s the point of PWA on desktop?
I think this is just the final PR for testing the branch before merging instead of an actual code review.
Better this way honestly