1000x1024mb is.
Why rclone? S3 sync the files on a schedule, enable versioning for immutability and encrypt at the bucket level.
You can always trunk 1g connections together. I picked up an old Cisco 3760G poe+ for 20 bucks at the gov surp. Port channels ahoy!
You should check out the grabby alien theory.
Pre-seed your backup location and then hope that your change rate is small enough to fit into 10 mb. For example, if you’re using AWS you can get a snowball to load data into S3.
Not before ballooning up and frying the Earth.
I do an s3 sync every five minutes of my important files to a versioned bucket in AWS, with S3-IA and glacier instant retrieval policies, depending on directory. This also doubles as my Dropbox replacement, and I use S3 explorer to view/sync from my phone.
You can just connect a normal fiber between a 10G SFP and a 40G QSFP and let the 40G end auto negotiate to 10G. Fanout cables are better for density though.
Are you talking money, or more in the “make them pay for their insolence” kind of pay? I think we already have the latter.
Shareholder primacy was from the Henry Ford days.
A laser. Nothing too powerful, maybe 10w. I don’t need a death ray, just enough to burn stuff.