I admire your logic and life plan.
But, “deserve … geese”? Need more data.
Am definitely human.
I admire your logic and life plan.
But, “deserve … geese”? Need more data.
The trouble is that, apparently, “perfect UI” can mean “let’s take all the sidebar tabs, remove their text labels and make all their icons really abstract and in the same colour. Oh, and change their order, too, while you’re at it.”
Thank you from the bottom of my muscle memory and pattern recognition. Now, give us back our old UI that was actually meaningful, or at least make it an option if you insist that your “clean look” is more important than actual usability.
^(Apart from that, I love you JetBrains.)
Sorry to nitpick… Tinnitus is more likely to introduce high-frequency sound than the 440Hz dial tone. If anything, that is the one frequency that old-timey phone techs would eventually struggle to hear…
Tutorial: or everything into airports and long-distance routes, you’ll make more money than you can spend. 🤷 At least, that’s how it was when I stopped playing it.
I have never (before) read a single word of that bible, but may I bestow this upvote upon you for so casually and precisely bringing the requested reference.
Facial expression looks like OOTS but the rest is more, uh, I hesitate to say realistic…
Correct, it is not.
The Swedes always did build things rather sturdily…
I’ve been extremely fond of “Our Groceries” for many years. It strikes a sweet spot between features and simplicity of use, and the devs are very responsive and have added several features after my suggestions. Really the only downside right now is that it can’t use the front facing camera on my wall mounted android tablet for scanning barcodes.
For added fun, macs use CR.
This used to be true, for sure, but I thought this changed with OS X (which is essentially PrettyBSD) ?
Oh, the D! Now I get it.
Thank you so much!
Pic? I’ve never heard of this.
As well as the
keyword, I’m really friggin’ diggin’ this. [modernisation required]