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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Once had a missing semi colon at the end of a c header file. The compiler kept complaining about the c file and never mentioned the header. Not all errors lead you to the right place.

    Though most of the time people just don’t read them. The number of problems I have solve for people by just copy pasting the error they gave me back to them…

  • First thing I typically do when that happens is update my system and reboot. This is useful for ensuring everything is in a known consistent state and there is no weird runtime issues that happened since you last booted. And it is always good to upgrade before you reboot to ensure you are booting the latest kernel and drivers.

    If that does not help then I would start by closing down steam completely (ensure it is not running in the systray at all). Then launch steam though a terminal and start the game as you normally would. You will hopefully see some logs for the game in the terminal. Though it is very game dependent as to if that will be useful at all. If not I would look online to see if the game logs anything to any other file as some games tend to do their own logging or have a flag you can enable.

    If the game gives you some logs and hopefully an error message you can then see if it is useful to you and if not try googling for that error and the game name. I find this tends to dig up more specific help for games then general searches for terms like wont start or crashes though sometimes those general terms can find a solution as well.

    Note: if you try to launch steam in the terminal and it is already running you wont get any logs at all from it - it basically just forwards things to the main instance or quits as it does not need to do anything. Only the first instance you start will give you and useful logs.

  • That is a more complex story then that. The manifest v3 changes primary give a lot of security and privacy changes that stop extensions from doing a lot of questionable things in the background on all your page you visit. But that does stop ad blockers from doing a lot of what they currently do - blocking in page elements and modifying the pages you visit. But it does not block them from blocking page requests so ad blockers like ublockorigin lite can still function in a more limited capacity to block ads.

    I do think the teams outside of the chrome team are happy for this change - but I don’t think the chrome team set out to do this purely or even mainly to block ads.

    Besides even if they did it does not change my argument - whom ever buys chrome will likely want to squeeze it for more money then google currently are doing and will likely do far worst things like including ads directly in the browser. Or trying to monetize it in some other way.

    I would love it if chrome where maintained by some non-profit foundation. But how likely is that going to be from a court order sell off?

    I would rather they split up google in other ways first.

  • TBH I am not sure this will end well at all. Google needs to e broken up but splitting off chrome? What will that achieve? Chrome does not directly make any money for Google really, they don’t sell it, they don’t sell ads in it, they don’t even collect much personal data though it. No where near as much as they really could if they really wanted to. Google have not been terrible at managing chrome or pushing as much profit out of it as they could.

    Instead they are using it to create a good platform for all the rest of their services where they actually make money. So what will selling off this loss leader do for chrome? Most likely it will get bought up by someone else that will want to see a return on investment that wont be using it as a loss leader. Which I can very well see it getting en-shitified like everything else that is purely driven by profit.

    Best case it is gets bought by a non profit foundation that can develop and take care of it - but lets be real, they wont have the money to out compete anyone wanting to buy it to make more money.

    I personally don’t really trust google with my browser either - hence why I avoid chrome. But I would trust anyone seeking to buy it for profit far less and can very well see this as a overall negative if the wrong people buy it (which I see as more likely).

  • If the trademark is indeed on the wordpress.org foundation and not the wordpress.com company, I didn’t think that’s a fair argument.

    It is but the trademark is licensed to Automattic which handles all further commercial sub-licensing. And the CEO of Automattic sits on the board of the workpress foundation and is the creator of wordpress itself.

    I don’t think either is a cancer to the FOSS Wordpress ecosystem. Both seem to give back.

    I believe that this all started as the Automattic CEO did not think that WPEngine was contributing enough back to the wordpress ecosystem. Even after years of attempts to negotiate this. Seems he gave up trying and went after them for trademark rules as that was the only real leaver he had to pull. Since there is no obligation for WPEngine to contribute back to wordpress directly.

    WPEngine using the Wordpress trademark makes me think they’re using Wordpress

    Apparently this is contentious enough to be disputed in court not everyone thinks this and there are enough people that are confused over the matter that Automattic believe they can prove a trademark volition in court.

    Lots more details in this interview with automattic CEO.

    Dont know whos right here. Probably both sides are wrong to some degree. But worth hearing both sides of the argument before making a decision.

  • The known unknowns and especially the unknown unknowns never get factored into an estimate. People only ever think about the happy path, if everything goes right. But that rarely every happens so estimates are always widely off.

    The book How Big Things Get Done describes a much better way to factor in everything without knowing all the unknowns though - Just look a previous similar projects and look how long they took, take the average and bounds then adjust up or down if you have good reason to do so. Your project will very likely take a similar amount of time if your samples are similar in nature to your current task. And the actual time already factors in all the issues and problems encountered and even if you don’t hit all the same issues your problems will likely take a similar amount of time. And the more previous examples you have the better these estimates get.

    But instead of that we just pluck numbers out of the air and wonder why we never hit them.