If you have to do this, were they ever your games?
Yes. The magnets are ridiculously strong. Several hold screen in place on my heat exchanger, to keep leaves and lawn debris at bay.
Haven’t figured out a good use for the platters, but skeet shooting has crossed my mind.
If the self hosted option doesn’t pan out, would suggest iMazing.
They have an MDM now and their previous versions for personal use were superb, versus iTunes.
The lifetime license is definitely declining in value.
Thanks for the info, may look into it further.
The subscription model is a wee bit off putting. I employ old hardware and don’t wish to be frog marched into an update/grade that could break that.
Have seen it happen before, been in IT too fucking long not to.
I pay $15/mo and w/ rollover gigs always have plenty. If you’re looking for obscure or D/C’d content, it’s damn well worth it.
Was able to score a Nordic comedy series for a co-worker that couldn’t be found elsewhere.
Also, content you sideload from USENET doesn’t disappear at the whim of a corporation, or due to licensing shenanigans. Just sayin’.
Paid services have consolidated to a great degree. But I’ve been a long time Easynews subscriber.
They have decent retention, good completion, and are johnny-on-the-spot re. DMCA requests.
Their real claim to fame is an easy to use browser based front end, so no third party client hassles and it works on mobile.
That said, MUCH has changed since the 90s, i.e. encrypted posts, the USENET hierarchy is largely broken and good luck finding any current text discussion (looking at you, Adobe, ya skeevy fucks).
Should you want more, this is a good guide. https://www.cogipas.com/how-to-use-usenet/
Wow! 161 of them! Did not know they did that, thanks 🙏🏻
Suggest subscribing to a premium USENET server.
What? Can’t you read my mind?
But they’d all be laced with insults.
Everything old, is new again.