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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Gosh you’re right, I’m so special and kind and humble, I deserve to be recognised for how extremely humble I am ♥️

    In seriousness, I have good days and bad days, sometimes I’m grumpy or pretty my anger about a bag thing happening to people get the better of me and go into my words, but I do care about everyone, I do want a better world and an end to bigotry, fascism, racism, techno-feudalism, late stage capitalism, and if I could own my own house this lifetime that’d be great too, for my family’s sake…

    I’m just so angry at the state of things, so disenfranchised, so fed up, and places like this are where I actually see all of the articles and posts about this awful stuff, not to mention actually running in to bootlickers and scummy people. It’s hard not to get grumpy and angry while I’m here :-(

    I might take a break from this stuff next year, I’m not sure yet. Staying informed feels important, but at the same time feels futile and damaging to my mental health, so I might just let myself be ignorant for a while, you know?

    Anyway, thanks for the kind words :-)

  • Uh, what?

    What makes you think Christmas is for kids? Just because they enjoy it? Shall we ban movies, video games, etc for adults too?

    I’ve never heard someone suggest that adults shouldn’t enjoy their hard earned holidays, and spread joy with gifts and such to each other, because they’re no longer 12 or whatever.

    What makes you think my and my family and friends enjoyment of Christmas is less important than slightly reducing how much money some shop might make for a few weeks?

    I’ll keep enjoying the small joys of life, thanks. Kids can sod off.

  • That’s not a bad thing, we all come to new things not understanding them at first, especially topics that we don’t get a good grasp on until we’re into adulthood and no longer have a structured education system to guide us. Subjects like politics, economics, sociology etc.

    We all come to these daunting subjects with various levels of knowledge and ability, all we can do is try to dip our toes in to a subject that feels important to understand, get reading, watching videos, whatever works best for you, and go from there :-)

  • I actually have this book! 😂

    One of the recipes is Beans on Toast. It’s ridiculous how simple it is.

    …And naturally you have to make the toast, in a toaster, first xD

    But yes in general it has well thought out recipes that correctly work to a microwave’s strengths, I find most people who hate using a microwave when cooking are using it poorly - expecting it to work just like an oven or a pot on a stove. It’s just a different tool is all, not the right tool for all uses, but great when used correctly.

  • What’s that about only getting 720p though? My TV shows the 4K HDR stuff great from places like Netflix or Prime, has done for years now, and my TV isn’t even new. Surely all modern stuff will show all that high definition stuff just fine.

    I think my browser does too, though I only have a 2K screen as of recently on my PC, but I’m certain it’s not playing video in 720p for sure. It’s at least 1080p if not more.

    But yeah, these services aren’t giving enough bang for their pound these days, it’s reaching insulting levels, it’s unsurprising people are forced into piracy.

    The consumer (or if you prefer, the market) decides what someone is worth, and if it’s being sold for above market value… people won’t buy. Simple as that.

    We’ve shown we’re happy to pay a reasonable amount of money for these services, and yet they insist on squeezing exorbitant amounts of money out of us for less and less value. Madness.

  • Yup, not to say that my country is doing much better or anything, but looking over at the USA it’s almost comical how extremely clear their decline into fascism and decay is. It’d almost be funny if it weren’t so serious.

    Unfortunately it’s not hard to see a future where the rest of the world have to fight a war against some future form of christiofascist white supremacist USA.

    Not next year or the year after of course, but within my lifetime for sure. People forget how quickly some nations go from progressive and democratic to straight up Third Reich.

    It takes a shockingly short amount of time once the slow burn has laid the ground work over the initial decades. The slow burn we’re watching now.