Till the sweat drip down my balls
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Till the sweat drip down my balls
That is a K72 MOSFET transistor, essentially an electronic switch. It’s probably necessary for something but without a datasheet for the board I can only guess. The K2 underline is the date code (2023 February per the datasheet coding). And yes, it is paralleled nicely so you may be OK
Try it out for a while and see if you notice anything odd.
Rules act differently for rich people and politicians.
Assistant TO the Regional Manager.
Backblaze is a great backup solution. They publish drive stats and even show you the hardware they use.
Try using or as the external DNS in your router for testing. Does it work then?
Also, you may have DNS cached somewhere. You can flush your Windows DNS cache by typing ipconfig /flushdns
in a command prompt.
From what I researched, the average lifespan of HDs and SSDs is no more than 10 years.
Is this running or not running though? I think a bunch of flash chips, properly stored, would last quite a while
Sigh. I’d disagree with you, but you’re absolutely correct.
I love Micro Center. I wish they’d expand or offer online ordering and shipping.
I am old. I remember when pricewatch.com and tigerdirect.com existed. You wanted to build a PC, you were picking parts manually uphill both ways while wearing an onion on your belt.
You can host overseas and use a proxy for hosting. I mostly don’t worry about it though because I don’t do anything illegal.
Use encryption if you are concerned.
Trash juice is the worst juice.
I’ve used Hyper-V and in fact moved away from ESXi long ago. VMWare had amazing features but we could not justify the ever-increasing costs. Hyper-V can do just about anything VMWare can do if you know Powershell.
Approaching absolute zero…
Context: https://jocat.net
Our LG washing machine does this once every year and a half almost like clockwork. It will simply refuse to do anything until it is unplugged and then plugged back in.