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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2024

  • oo1@lemmings.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzBasic courtesy
    15 days ago

    Wow USA is strange, how did calling the police after the vandalism become “losing” or “irrational”.

    It sounds like the thought process is: just in case someone might commit a crime, preemptive escalation is the best choice.

    Wild. I’d call that thought procecess verging on sociopathic not rational. If a person’s fear of crime is so crippling that they think society has broken down because they fear a crime that they dream might happen; that person was never a well adjusted member of society. I’d think anyone trying to do business with or interact with such people should be careful - they’re unlikely to follow predictable or normal behaviour patterns.

    I’d get that mindset might be rational for the BLM-type victims in those states /areas where law and order does seem to systematically fail some communities. But if it’s based on fear rather than evidence of law and order having broken down then, it’s less rational.

  • I just dont get why you have to assume that though?

    Maybe I’m a pessimist, but I’ve met and worked with enough humans that I think the best assumtion is that they’re all full of shit until they prove otherwise.

    It’s fine to rely on experts for some things, but if those experts aren’t subject to independent scrutiny or directly independent of the claim or sunjecy under test, or can’t give clear testable /replicable evidence, I’d just not put much weight on their testimony as a source of evidence.

  • I hope the screenshot dude is also going to stop this unquestioning belief in the things people say or claim without evidence.

    Those first two paragraphs look like a tendency to prefer hero-worship to critical thought; that seems to be a fairly widespread problem in humans from long before this latest batch of demagogues.

    There’s also a hint of “I’m not an ‘expert’ in it so I can’t (be bothered) to understand anything about it” also a very depressingly common attitude.

  • Haha, i’d write a thousand pages of documentation before entering ticket hell. I fact I do put a lot of information into the ticket - they still won’t read it though and i’ll have to repeat myself 15 times to 5 different people.

    The solution to this problem. . . I have no idea, but I’m sure they’ll appoint another delivery manager who will get hired by the ones who already know fuck-all to know less than them.

    I’ve found that the few managers who want documentation, get documentation, and the others who want tickets and “story points”, get tickets and fictional bullshit - in general.___

  • yes. And if i commit to modest contribution to the load, it’s nice for me to pay less - I dont want to pay for the extra modems for all the streamers who can’t afford DVDs. I’m saving my money for DVDs. I’d rather buy fast speed low quantity, rather than slow speed unlimited quantity.

    The regulator should focus on is the market competetive - at what levels, are profit magins reasonable (insofar as they can measure them).

    Not limiting choice unless it is obviously part of a price discrimination harming consumers overal (which means colluding to segment marget to drive up the profit margin. Even then the solution is not necessarily to homogenise the service, maybe just regulate prices, or regulate allowed total revenue as a fraction of regulated asset base/customer base.

    I’d rarely agree with anything calling itself “economist group” but this part seems reasonable to me. differentiation is not always abuse of market power. So long as the tarrifs on offer are broadly cost reflective.

  • yeah, I’ve been rohypnolled by both microsoft and oracle, and general cloud shit , and various co workwers so many times now i barely even notice.

    Hilariosly excel has recently started asking now, I think it says something like: “I’ve just fucked up several columns in your csv that you went to the bother of enquoting.” “Do you want me to reload it and i’ll try to un-fuck a few of those columns? ( whispers to audience - but probably not all of them - tee hee).”

    I think my employer just needs to employ 25-50 more “delivery” managers and empower them to spend millions on a prettier barrel for us to bend over, that’ll solve it. Maybe it’ll have flufffy handcuffs.

  • Even if they did use unicode, any codeset , glyph or language changes over time , ulimately they emerge out of communication, not the other way round.

    If some culture decides they want to use the glyph “2” to mean a word “to”, they can and will, and no codeset is going to stop them. And if they get their message to their intended audience it doesnt matter that somebody else’s isnumber fuction get’s it wrong.

    A person, community or standard codeset or dictionary cannot deny the accuracy or content of encrypted communication just because they can’t decipher it.

    Put another way a more robust isnumber() should maybe have a second argument to specify the codeset being used, and maybe whether written words - in some defined languare - are also to be converted

    On the other hand “1/4/12” is not a fucking date.