no idea. i just know its common in the shittier parts of the united states.
old, stupid
no idea. i just know its common in the shittier parts of the united states.
an overly patriotic part of the united states
that sounds like a solid plan!
something like this maybe
im not tryin to cause a riot… id stick with pep,mushroom and maybe some green pepper
or maybe a deep dish? toppings are on the bottom!
ive not had any leaking since i setup my torrenting container(deluge is my fav) to use the openvpn container(gluetun) for its internet. theres zero chance it can leak, nothing to ‘forget to turn on’… kinda idiotproof, which i needed
gluetun is your friend
is this the one where some moron was suggesting a vpn for torrenting on a vpn service not designed for torrenting?
you clearly have no idea what ‘free speech’ means… and kinda sounds like you lack self control.
insufferable comes to mind, regardless of how good your intentions are
that seems like a bit different than ‘the same innovation’ implied by op
it would be like conflating the invention of the ICE with space travel as ‘the same innovation’. id argue that would never happen, and neither would ‘the internet’ and ‘LLMs’
smells like the mobile data isnt honoring the split tunnel dns comin from the vpn. the mobile provider is doin some funny business with your dns on that device
market share. youre going to create a game, do you build it for the smallest market or the biggest one?
its nice that many devs keep linux in mind, but they gotta pay the bills
bring your friends.
i use it a lot… when im on the phone and someone pops in asking question only needing a positive response.
some say if he knew about mint, he would still be with us today
a man and a young girl are walkin through a dark wood at night. they walk and walk. the little girl tugs on the mans shirt and says “mister im cold and its dark and scary out here!”. the man says “how do you think i feel, i have to walk out of here alone”
i just found the whole trilogy available on the high seas premixed, so i dont even have to slog through mixing the audio myself!
you almost saved me from watching it until
RiffTrax version
now i have to!
i was just thinking this… it used to be 80% memes and now its just the downfall of western society. depressing.