I remember we used to refer to enemy logic as AI. The 4 Pac-Man ghosts each had different “AI”. The AI of the enemies in this FPS sucks. This kind of stuff, lol
I remember we used to refer to enemy logic as AI. The 4 Pac-Man ghosts each had different “AI”. The AI of the enemies in this FPS sucks. This kind of stuff, lol
Tools can be used in the making of art.
One of my favourite games used procedural generation to create game “art”, “assets”, and “maps”.
That could conceivably be called (or enhanced by) ML today, which could conceivably be called AI today.
But even in modern games, I’m not opposed to mindful usage of AI in games. I don’t understand why you’re trying to speak for everyone (by saying “people”) when you’re talking to someone who doesn’t share your view.
This is like those stupid “non-GMO” stickers. Yes, GMOs are being abused by Monsanto (and probably other corporations like them). No, that doesn’t mean that GMOs are bad in all cases.
I often have to push my way through. But especially for a domination victory, there’s a lot of time wasted on mopping up when victory is already completely guaranteed.
Kind of like Monopoly.
“cracked games” are different from “pirated games”.
I’d be wary of cracked games. Pirated games that aren’t cracked, much less-so
Balthier is the real protagonist, though Asche is another contender.
Vaan is the player character, but he might as well be the silent “protagonist”/PC that gets dragged through the plot that’s led by the actual protagonist(s). He probably would’ve been better that way.
Wow, Ancient China must’ve been pretty advanced if it had RPGs! Especially video game RPGs!
I’m confused why this is here. But given the comments it doesn’t seem like OP thinks this is a community for fanart about fictional pirates, so I think I’m missing something…lol
And that’s going to upset a lot of losers!
Though I believe the scientific term is “low-status males”. But I’m sure some women who are losers would also be upset. A very small minority, but not zero!
Not the most ideal link, but this page describes how to find all media that a webpage loaded into your browser in Firefox. All browsers should be able to do this.
This will virtually always work for images, and will sometimes work for videos. This way, you don’t have to deal with any external extensions, programs, or downloaders (which can be sketchy).
If it doesn’t work, you could try DownloadThemAll. It’s a browser extension that might be able to get some of the hidden stuff that your browser can’t extract through the normal method.
If that also doesn’t work, go with whatever any other comments suggested, but be safe! Lol
Definitely. It’s not even about defending Nintendo.
I hate people who try to profit off of privacy when piracy is available for free.
It reminds me of my university days when people would be selling PDFs of course textbooks…just email a copy of the file!
Hmm…is Reddit selling email addresses, or were they compelled to provide them by law enforcement?
She was gonna scan it from her phone, airdrop to her laptop, and then upload the files to Canvas.
When you know how to use the entire toolbox, but only if you can use the entire toolbox…in order.
Unless they’re interacting with a landline.
Which, to be fair, is still pretty complex.
Not everybody follows that same diagram.
On one end of things, many people don’t care at all if a game has Denuvo.
On the other end, many pirates won’t buy a game they pirated even if they liked playing it.
If Denuvo being cracked leads to a measurable and meaningful decrease in revenue, that suggests that enough people would be willing to buy the game even with Denuvo.
When people start speaking with their wallets and stop buying games with Denuvo DRM, then it’d make sense to not have Denuvo. If it’s making a company more money to include it, I can’t blame them for including it during their launch window.
I seldom buy games that were released within the last 12 weeks, so if they removed Denuvo DRM by then, I can’t really complain (at least on my own behalf).
I love GOG for its DRM-free games. But still, keeping Denuvo for 12 weeks feels like a great compromise.
That is generally why people pay for things
I pay for YouTube premium because I like the idea of content creators getting paid when I watch their videos. I don’t want to manually send each of them money or sign up for their channel memberships or anything. But if they make videos that I watch and they get a kickback? I’m fine with that.
I also have a YouTube channel that bring in a bit of beer money, so I use that to justify the cost.
Back in the day, people hated Intellisense/auto-complete.
And back in the older day, people hated IDEs for coding.
And back in the even older day, people hated computers for games.
There’ll always be people who hate new technology, especially if it makes something easier that they used to have to do “the hard way”.