The people working on the lighting and high res textures don’t usually design or implement gameplay mechanics or story elements.
The people working on the lighting and high res textures don’t usually design or implement gameplay mechanics or story elements.
Lame. I’ve used this feature a lot. It feels like such a basic thing to include.
SharePlay is a standard feature in Apple devices, and it handles it. But only in supported apps.
The pandemic showed how nice such a feature can be for a lot of people.
Seinfeld in HD is a 90s period piece.
Yes, I’m referencing PCMR. And I think it’s a fucked up term, and gamers shouldn’t be proud of it.
It’s surprising anything works. Master Race my ass.
Burnout Paradise woulda been banned from Steam.
People underestimate how more RAM can be more power usage.
Would you have felt differently if it was called Rendezvous?
I guess when I complain, I’m not really talking about hosting at all. I’m talking about things being written in stuff like python, with web UIs instead of native software.
I miss native software. And native software could be placed on a server. I prefer to run a Mac Mini for my home server, because I can use as many native apps as possible. Along with the all the other web-interface-based scripts and things.
People like to act like Docker containers and environment variables are simple. But so often these things are not.
Anyway. As someone else pointed out, it’s strange for me to be posting these lamentations in this community. I don’t mean to throw shade or talk shit.
So I’ll leave it there.
That’s fair. Ran across it in All.
I wish more software wasn’t “hosted” these days.
I miss app ass apps.
Don’t mind me. I’m just feeling old.
Tech issues! It’s the most advanced version of their pile of tech ever, right?
Last time someone mentioned these on Lemmy I got one.
It “crashed” according to Synology in about a week. Woke me up in the middle of the night with the Synology beeping.
Why do the hookers get to decide it’s a brothel?
If they stick with it, it’ll sort itself out over time. They are most of the way there by now. The newest codecs are pretty dang good.
I doubt the majority of those incidents are people who bought it without knowing about the controversy first. Thats why they can be grouped and labeled as something other than standard reviews.
That does sound like review bombing then. People elsewhere in the thread are arguing about definitions.
“Vhut? I do!”
Killed by the architects.