You don’t have to keep the measurement that way up - e.g. fuel economy in europe is litres/100km, which is flipped compared to miles/gallon.
So 400dpi = 63μm for example.
You don’t have to keep the measurement that way up - e.g. fuel economy in europe is litres/100km, which is flipped compared to miles/gallon.
So 400dpi = 63μm for example.
Like Kenji’s smash burgers, “held together with hope and American Cheese”
1954 Lord of the Rings featured danger from remote surveillance, and a shadow world with different security concerns than the regular world…
Waiting for the reaction when OC discovers Inception 😂
Apparently they didn’t include the single quote at the beginning because they wanted to hint at the exploit without actually triggering it.
(and Lemmy seems to combine two dashes into one)
With an address in 's-Hertogenbosch to help people who are lazy about escaping.
Just noticed that the listing for ; DROP TABLE “COMPANIES”; – LTD has been redacted by the government website‽
Right, an original at Mosaic [Netscape] before it got into that fight with Internet Explorer, went open-source, and became Mozilla.
The original developer has a great blog, and has commented on this
Similar with the computer magazines, before they started coming with floppy disks.
Y2K maths! (1998, 1999, 19100)
but it’s a thousand more than eleventy eleven?
167 is prime though?
What they mean is that the variable names and function names are documentation.
For example changing “for( i in getList() )” to “for( patient in getTodaysAppointments() )” is giving the reader more information that might negate the need for a comment.
There’s a linux file called fstab which is often pronounced f-s-tab because it’s a table of file systems. It was somewhat surprising to hear Dave Plummer pronounce it as “f-stab”, as in stabbing someone…