United States of chinA
United States of chinA
Restored! Maybe worth a post update?
“Ethical and legal objections”. The point in this case is that what’s legal is unethical, and what’s ethical is illegal. Analogous to other situations through history and countries, for example in the USA when it was illegal for black people to sit in certain parts of a bus, or in Germany when marriage with Jewish people was illegal.
As human beings, it’s always important to make the ethical choice.
these autonomous agents represent the next step in the evolution of large language models (LLMs), seamlessly integrating into business processes to handle functions such as responding to customer inquiries, identifying sales leads, and managing inventory.
I really want to see what happens. It seems to me these “agents” are still useless in handling tasks like customer inquiries. Hopefully customers will get tired and switch to companies that employ competent humans instead…
The current security philosophy almost seems to be: “In order to make it secure, make it difficult to use”. This is why I propose to go a step further: “In order to make it secure, just don’t make it”. The safest account is the one that doesn’t exist or that can’t be accessed by anyone, including its owner.
We aren’t supposed to accept that. We can simply not use their software. And as users that’s the only power we have on devs. But it’s a power that only works on devs who are interested in having many users.
Which can be further summarized: academics (🙋🏻) are basically a bunch of idiotic sheep, despite being in academia.
See also https://pluralistic.net/2024/08/16/the-public-sphere/#not-the-elsevier
Yeah to me too. I’m not clicking on that “Download client” link for sure.
What’s sad and superficial is that these kinds of restrictions and bans just cover a symptom but don’t cure the problem. Maybe they even make it worse. We need an overhaul of our cultural foundation and educational system.
Fantastic person.
Funny that the post closes with “thank you”. So kind. I depend on K-9 Mail daily, so “thank you” from me doesn’t cut the amount of indebtedness and gratitude I have to this person. Thank you! 🙏