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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Do you have any experience installing only office?

    I’ve tried installing it many times over the past decade with only one successful attempt about a decade ago.

    Every few years I try to install it again and fail

    I’m trying to install it now but again, nothing. I’ve tried installing it using the official scripts which wreck the operating system. Dame for using the official debs.

    So I tried using the docker version and that just doesn’t do anything at all. I try opening the page on the right port and it connects and disconnects immediately.

    I’ve used only office and it’s awesome. However, nothing is as hard to install as onlyofffice

  • I’m sorry, are you comparing the work of NASA back in the 60’s to work done now?

    NASA never cheered when rockets blew up. NASA never said “the goal is get off the launch pad, anything else is an extra”. NASA never launched a rocket without a flame diverter, causing them to utterly obliterate a launch pad. NASA didn’t just blow up rockets all the frigging time just to test them. NASA did everything with rulers or at best computers that had the power of a basic calculator. NASA didn’t have the advancements in computers, new materials,new technologies.

    NASA also didnt have to deal with a man baby con man

    I’m sorry, but this is a very bad comparison

  • Break neck is the right word here.

    SpaceX so far hasn’t been able to get beyond low earth orbit. The amount of unneeded exploded rockets us insane and they cheer, every time. When a new crew of astronauts blow up and die, the last they’ll hear is people applauding and cheering. It’s disgusting.

    So musk claimed to get us on Mars in 2016 and today, 9 years later we have barely 1% of that goal met. Who do you believe any of the Elon lies?

  • Nah, he is just a scammer with a lot of luck.

    Je was fired for incompetence, for one.

    However, if you start looking in what he has promised and what he really has done, a new pattern emerges: it’s all bullshit. He continuously makes fantastic claims that will be ready by tomorrow. It’ll all be done by tomorrow, really!

    Tesla’s full self driving, is already here, claimed for 10 years and still isn’t even close. Tesla hasn’t made any new models in the past 10 years begpnd the cyber truck which is a horrendous laughably stupid thing, yet Tesla is still valued more than any other car company that make 10-100 times the amounts of cars that Tesla does.

    SpaceX? We’ll be on Mars in 2020, 2021, 2022, etc… SpaceX still can’t get itself beyond low earth orbit and only managed to explode a banana over the Indian ocean. They’re literally 1% done of what they got billions of tax payer funding from. Meanwhile they cheer every time a rocket blows up because…fun? Ohh, how about the tickets sending people to the other side of the world in 39 minutes? Of course any high schooler could tell you 20 reasons why that’s bullshit but Elon fans lap it up.

    Boring company? Would make tunnels 100 times cheaper than others, really, truly! Of course anyone can do that too if you don’t put in rails, emergency exits, space to escape in case of emergency, stations, etc.

    Okay, how about star link? You know, those thousands of satellites that do the job of single satellites, and totally won’t cause the Kessler syndrome? Yeah, use thousands of satellites in orbits so low that you’ll have to replace them every 5 years costing billions. What does it get you? A slightly lower ping. This seems the most actual successful project to date that comes from him and it’s still a shit show

    Hyperloop? The absolute bullshit show what got tens of Billions of investment and went nowhere ever because the idea is fundamentally flawed? Even universities jumped in because reasons, it stopped high speed rail development in the US because this would be so much better, and yeah… China has tens of thousands of kilometres of high speed rail now, and the US has… Nothing.

    The robots? The spandex guy, FFS… Any “real” demo of his robots has been 20 years behind on Boston dynamics and even then they had to fake most of if with humans controlling those sad machines

    Did I forget anything? Ooohh yeah, the solar roofs, where he cheated too. Lots of court cases about that one

    Elon Musk is a scammer, that’s it