laughs in linux
laughs in linux
The prompt is the human interaction instructing the machine to produce art in the vision of the prompter.
And whos to say generative art doesnt receive a lot of thought and intent in producing something worthwhile?
Sure, you could let the machine spit out whatever garbage purely from random inputs, and that is not art as there is zero guidance or intent. But anyone that used generative ai knows you have to guide it to get anything worthwhile out of it. And even then, very likely require manual touchups to correct mistakes.
So, if a machine makes the ‘art’, its not art? So photographs are not art. The hubble telescope,or any space probe for that matter, doesnt produce art.
Art is something that provoke emotions and expression in its observers and not produced naturally. Machines are built by people and require non-random inputs to produce something thefore anything those machines produce is art.
Humans are confident statistical black boxes. Art doesnt have to be made by a human to be aspiring.
Nah, being rich is having enough to not worry, but still greedy and seek more and not using it to benefit others.
That falls into the category of not worry about things.
Netflix and nickelodeon has a partnership and must give netflix so many new things each year.
No digital is all or nothing. What you are describing is some digital packets making it through and the algothrim is designed to accept some packet loss and has error correction. Its more complicated then i make it out, but thats the jist of it.
It is nothing like analog thats being drowned out by background radiation.
Modern Tv project fake static when there is no siginal because of fimilarity. OTA broadcasts are all digital, either you get a siginal or you dont.
Its probably the fact a significant amount of cheaters use linux, but the overall market of players use linux… so nuking all linux players is harmless to their bottom line.
Look at where you are at “linux_gaming” proton is not a vpn, but a wine wrapper. I get warnings all the time from Apex’s anticheat “failing” havent been banned, but wouldnt suprise me it would cause a false positive.
With the issues i had in the past with fstab, the desire to stab someone was certainly provoked.