You have DNS listening on UDP and TCP… for DNS?
Iol, lol.
You have DNS listening on UDP and TCP… for DNS?
Iol, lol.
What post
Then she throws her drink in your face, storms out and git resets --hard origin/main && git clean -fdx
Carpenter’s axe to the utility line outside my house
A million better alternatives exist. I was curious about them.
The first time I used VI I typed a few characters, then hit backspace to delete some characters. Backspace doesn’t delete characters. I closed VI and never opened it again.
Does this also get rid of annoying pop-ups?
Later there’s this text:
which can be found by clicking on the cog at the top right next to the search icon
…which I don’t see. I don’t think this doc accounts for Photon.
Who controls it? Can I suggest edits to these docs?
That blue screen of death post which recently said that Windows users live in fear of losing everything was a perfect example. As is this bullshit shower thought.
I haven’t really used it much over the last 20 years
XBev 4thud EE