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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • They probably do use lots of NoSQL DBs too, which perform better for non relational “data lake” style architectures where you just wanna dump mountains of data as fast as possible into storage, to be perused later.

    When you have cases where you have very very high volume of data in, but very low need to query it (but some potential need, just very low), nosql DBs excel

    Stuff like census data where you just gotta legally store it for historical reasons, and very rarely some person will wanna query it for a study or something.

    Keep in mind when I talk about low need to query, the opposite high need us on the scale of like, "this db gets queried multiple times per minute’

    Stuff like… logins to a website, data that gets queried many times per minute or even second, then sometimes nosql DBs fall off.

    Depends what is queried.

    Super basic “lookup by ID” Stuff that operates as just a big ole KeyValuePair mapping ID -> Value? And thats all you gotta query?

    NoSql is still the right tool for the job.

    The moment any kind of JOIN enters the discussion though, chances are you actually wanna use sql now

  • pixxelkick@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldstatic website generator
    5 months ago

    I use Hugo, it’s not super complicated.

    You basically just define templates in pseudo html for common content (header, nav panel, footer, etc), and then you write your articles in markdown and Hugo combines the two and outputs actual html files.

    You also have a content folder for js, css, and images which get output as is.

    That’s about all there is to it, it’s a pretty minimalist static site generator.

    Hosting wise you can just put it on github pages for free.

  • This is already to some degree an existing dilemma. There are already individuals out there who, due to genetic lottery, happen to have an adult body that through some efforts of clothing, makeup, hairstyle, etc, can very much present themselves as substantially younger looking than their actual age.

    Lord knows certain popular niches in the porn industry make this apparant… >_>;

    And from what I have heard on social media, sometimes these individuals couple up with another person who… doesnt look substantially younger.

    And often, these couples face quite a bit of controversy and social stigma, despite everything they are doing and into being 100% legal and, from am objective standpoint, ethically fine (they are two consenting adults after all)

    But I agree that future tech with things like gene editing and whatnot this dilemma will certainly become substantially more pronounced and I think it will likely be yet another group being attacked for daring to live their lives.

  • Nowadays it’s less of an issue with docker and whatnot.

    Just set the image to refresh every night at midnight and if they tried to make manual changes it’ll just revert back to its original state at midnight.

    Customers don’t really get direct access to deployed code now, it’s buried under like 4 layers of abstraction on most CDNs now.

    Simply deploying to azure already smears multiple layers of access control and RBAC overtop that it’s hard enough for me, the dev, to answer the question if “what is actually deployed atm?”, let alone for the customer to get in their and meddle.

  • This one is really interesting. Primarily speaking ants a good example of where this type of genetic expression is taken to its logical extreme.

    It’s basically the “aunt” and “uncle” survival trait that shows up in communal creatures. Homosexuality shows up in creatures that both need to raise their young and stay together in herds. So humans of course very much satisfy this condition.

    So how’s this relate to ants (and bees and termites too)?

    In a colony, technically speaking everyone is the queens offspring, so everyone are siblings.

    The queens aletes (prince and princess ants if you will) are only the queens offspring, all the drones dont sexually reproduce.

    Yet, the drones all care for the offspring as if they are their own, that’s kinda weird from a survival standpoint right?

    Well it’s simple, the drones are clones of the queen, so they also heavily share genetics with the offspring. From a genetic standpoint there’s no difference.

    So if the drones take care of the offspring like their own, and the offspring go on to mate, then the drones genetics also propagate. They have a evolutionary pressure to raise the babies despite not having any of their own.

    The same occurs for homosexuality. Human babies are a lot of work to take care of, and if you have a sibling you share a lot of genetics, then you have an evolutionary pressure to take care of your nephews and neices. It’s the “next best” option to propagating your own children. The genetic difference isn’t much worse.

    So what ends up happening is you have an evolutionary benefit if a percent of your population is born homosexual, as they will help with raising their nieces and nephews, and it turns out this combo has a net higher survival rate than just everyone being hetero.

    So over thousands of years we get this gradual pressure to settle on a sweet spot of some % of us being gay.

    This is also a solid explanation for the “fifth brother” thing, where every son a mother has is exponentially more likely to be gay. We haven’t fully isolated what causes it (its prolly hormones) but it’s a well known occurring phenomina that the more older brothers you have, the more likely you are to be gay.

    Based on the above supposition, it’d 100% make sense from an evolution standpoint for mothers to produce homosexual offspring if they have multiple healthy children, as after a certain point it makes sense strategy wise to have a couple gay uncles/aunts that naturally help their older siblings with childcare.

    It’s just way way better for survival in nature if not everyone is pumping out babies, and a handful just aren’t into that but still take care of their family.

    Basically it’s quality over quantity!

  • Mature women is straightforward, older = more knowledge and capable.

    Pretty much everything else you listed is about trust, so I’d say that trust is a very big thing you value in a partner, and due to humans very long time they spend dependant on parents and our community survival strategy, trust is very much a trait that is selected for.

    People that are untrustworthy are unattractive, a lot of kinks primarily build on top of publicly shameful acts in private, which is effectively the ultimate trust fall exercise.

    Feeling like you can trust a partner with such acts is very very positively reinforced genetically, so it becomes sexually attractive.

    In short: because humans live together and make complex communities, trust is important, which means getting kinky is very sexy as it signals deep rooted trust.

  • “Small” breasts typically are still large compared to a man’s chest.

    There are other factors than size anyways, for any feature. For breasts as an example, symmetry, skin clarity, and firmness will also signal a healthy prospective mate.

    “Small” breasts usually actually means “not sagging due to age”, as naturally speaking breasts, cheeks, and the neck of humans are common areas where sagging due to collagen levels can be witnessed in older age, so these are common cited areas of sexyal attraction.

    So “small” breasts really just means “not old”, which is fairly normal to signal the health of a potentional sexual partner.

  • To activate monkey neurons, it has to be an indicator of health.

    As an example, large breasts indicate health, as malnourishment during adolescence tends to result in smaller breasts later on.

    Muscles indicate health as well, so they tend to be considered attractive.

    For non health related features, like a symmetrical face, those ones are the non sexual dimorphic characteristics, as those ones you care about transferring regardless of sex. Both men and women want a symmetrical face, basically.

    So a large Adam’s apple is both a dimorphic feature and a non indicator of health, so its ignored.