I love this game. Also the title does indeed have the doublequotes around it, which no other title does. Last update fixed a lot of things and generally made the game nicer to play.
I love this game. Also the title does indeed have the doublequotes around it, which no other title does. Last update fixed a lot of things and generally made the game nicer to play.
Then again, I could care less. It would be fun to also get a good multiplayer but I guess I have no real hope for that.
If there is a large, well made single player campaign then I couldn’t care less about whether the multiplayer is pay to win. The last one was really fun, and I hope this upcoming one is the same.
0000 It’s the same as my luggage!
Check out the dev stories from PalWorld, they bought a LOT of USB drives haha.
Update the site with mcafees phone number and only have the real one behind a click through you have to read
That’s not what that implies. I’ve seen that argument from religious people describing how atheists must be unruly because they have no incentive to meet a good afterlife.
I can still be clean, look how I want, and be nice to others just because I want to and I like it when others do the same.
If I’m reading this patch note correctly, they didn’t actually fix it using too much battery, it seems they fixed android over reporting the battery used?
Release order
I am incredibly excited. However, it does seem we will be missing out on Melody of Memory.
Least down bad Lemmy user
Oracle cloud will stop things if it goes out of the free tier.
Knowing that LLMs are just “parroting” is one of the first steps to implementing them in safe, effective ways where they can actually provide value.
I have the always on screen turned off and the only way to turn it on is the button or when a notification comes in. My battery lasts almost a month.
Oh hey it’s that redpill content they were warning me about!
It’s more obvious when it’s someone with emoji as their name (you know who you are :p )
Heads up to anyone using this, the $5 coupon they offer for an in app purchase didn’t work for me. Don’t make any purchases that depend on it.
When it comes to browsing the web and showing content and having good add-ons, edge does a good job.
But why does it need to constantly advertise itself and other microsoft things to me? It’s annoying when Firefox does this, but it feels like edge does it almost every time I open it.
pihole and an always-on syncthing node.
People can change. Not everyone is born aware of the seriousness of making that kind of joke.
I personally don’t follow him so I don’t personally have an opinion on whether he has changed, but I believe that people have the capability.