Welcome to Orwell-ville.
PS: im most amused by those who think the USA incented slavery.
Token Ring barely avoids copyright/trademark litigation.
Daisy Chain fits with Dom/Sub.
Or we could go full millenial reddit with Bull/Cuck
Or full MAGA with Man/Woman
Its more of a spiral, downward typically.
Pussy needs to play!
Oh great wise one of infinite information, what does this new word mean?
Earned Income Tax Credit
This is not basic income. It is a tax credit.
Basoc income is a monthly payment. It helps pay the bills. The payments can be relied upon.
Tax Credits never pay the bills. They arrive (maybe) once a year. Canmot relt on the ammount or if it will come at all.
Tax credits help wealthy people they do not help poor people struggling to make it month to month.
RE: administrative costs Adding to the IRS workload drives up costs.
Just issue a UBI to every living SSN. Distribute via electronic transfer. Almost free overhead. Simple. Done.
Means testing is wasteful.
The basic principle of basic income is that is applied to everyone equally.
Otherwise it is a negative tax or welfare payment. Which are different and have different effects on the recipients.
Applying to everyone does 2 key things: it removes administrative overhead costs and removes any stigma from recieving it that lead to exploitation, hate, and division of society.
Edit to address your other comment: Implementing a system flawed at the foundation, just so it fails or falls into a welfare like quagmire, is disingenuous and perpetuating the failures of the past.
Id rather not sabotage the solution with overhead and politics invested in keeping people broke.
If it is means tested it is not basic income
That is not basic income. It is decreased as you earn your own money. It only comes as a tax rebate. Neither of which are properties of a true Basic Income.
Means testing requires am expensive beaucracy and a pyramid of people administrating it. Those overhead costs cost more tham just giving everyone the same amount.
He wants one that won’t abscond with the Polaroids
First verse mentions “women” so that rules out Don Henley as he prefered “girls”
Yet another area where Phish were ahead of the game.
But you could actually learn and grow via the internet then. Information was free, available, and tools actually helped you find it.
Oh great, an inclusive apocalypse.
Whether a woman has a furry tail or not is her choice.
One token ring to crash them all!