We’re just circling back to the fact that WMR is a tiny subset though. You’re holding Linux to an impossible standard that you aren’t holding the maker of your headset (API) too.
You’ve talked about Linux as if it should meet these lofty goals, but what you’re failing to recognise is that Microsoft pays teams of hundreds to thousands of developers, and Linux is completely free and donation/grant-based. So of course it isn’t going to be perfect, and of course it isn’t going to support every little niche.
Your concept that because of its open nature it should support everything from the history of gaming and computing is an unreasonable expectation. Old laptops work well so people who wouldn’t otherwise have access to a computer can get something working for very little money, and because those devices are prolific. But even then almost all distros have deprecated 32-bit support.
You’re right that it’s not cloud-based, but it’s still “always online” software. It’s the same as a video game that doesn’t function without the internet. I don’t think you need to be such an ass about the distinction.