I find it as funny as the original post
I find it as funny as the original post
I wouldn’t even really call this recursion. This is closer to a wrapper around the enjoy function to set variables so that “enjoy” doesn’t throw an error.
I may be on the wrong side of history but I can’t see what other role a car could get in the film industry except vehicle.
Yeah, I was adjacent to the game industry for a minute and am aware of how much churn business execs force on developers. Good luck yourself in your search
Oh boy. That’s what I like to see after a year unemployed from software.
We need to signal boost this, if true, because that is an egregious waste of someone’s time and a theft of their due compensation.
“*Video game piracy is not stealing” is closer to a statement I can get onboard with. A trivial example to disprove the former statement is the classic, seafaring pirate.
But a more salient example would be pirating music. If you have a pirated copy of an album such that you don’t need to buy another and don’t stream it from any official sources, you are materially and negatively impacting that artist.
Edit: it came to mind after I posted you might hold the position “I haven’t taken anything from them and I wouldn’t have bought it regardless of my pirating, so I haven’t deprived them of anything.” A position I’ve seen a number of times and fundamentally disagree with. Not trying to be rude but I’m not going to engage with that particular thought experiment.
That is not always the case, from my experience
Fuck, I’m ready to try anything at this point.
…the rest of that resume must be absolutely insane. Or he’s applying to be a businessman.
I’m out here with a Master’s degree and 3 years of work experience and I’m not even getting a first call. Shit’s tough out here.
Could be a subclass. However, it should just be an ‘is’ method which is passed the array of [young, pretty] as input
Yes, and that would not be currency. It might be useful to think of this as a tiered system.
‘Trade’ is a top-level idea, an exchange between entities. On a tier below that, i.e. a closer specification of ‘trade’, exists ‘barter’ (trading goods for other goods or services) and ‘money’ (trading some representational, notional item for goods/services). ‘Chickens’ as a payment is a further specification of bartering, while ‘currency’ is a further specification of ‘money’ (being ‘money’ defined/in use by a specific power/state).
Dude feels like it’s an affront to his “challenging activity” if people have fun confronting (and potentially surmounting) challenges.
Shame. But he’s done masterful work that millions are grateful to have heard.
Yeah, how did they commit this to anywhere that would hurt?
She got massive hands cuz those things are chunksters
You got some dry ass biscuits, boi. Biscuits shouldn’t be “really dry”.
Pick somewhere where it’d help. Like under Jimmy Butley’s house, that douche.
The IRS is hardly the most malicious.
Were you not a (pre-)teen in the 2000s? Because the phrase, “nah, that’s gay” was bandied about quite a lot by teenage boys and men with the mentality of teenage boys quite a lot.
I’m confused by this comment. “The original is even better” reads like you are informing TO about the original. But you’d expect them to be aware of it, what with them referencing the joke nickname and saying “a new variation”.
It’s mostly confusing because there are clearer ways of posting the original comic for the uninformed than referencing the only person certain to have seen it.