Can someone explain me what are the cloud saves for and achievements?
What is the point of gamifying a game?
Can someone explain me what are the cloud saves for and achievements?
What is the point of gamifying a game?
I’ve already took a look at it bu on my phone it gets muddy. I have to take a break and sit at the computer to go in peth into all the information there.
Considering the majority of flavours we experience are in fact smells, if you can cook by your nose you’re usually pretty safe on how the end result will come out.
I’m not a foodie nor a chef but I’ve been able to break apart and reproduce restaurant dishes just by smelling.
The look on her face is priceless and portrays a single, unmistakeable, message: “You lost a fine opportunity to keep silent but I’ll indulge you”.
But think of all the nighmares interrupted as well.
What I find funny about the crypto currency concept was that it was originally devised - to what I know - to replace conventional money, under governmental control. But it quickly came the notion that for any crypto currency to hold value it had to be capable of being exchanged by the convention money it was meant to replace. Thus came the crypto markets, which in all emulate the conventional stock exchange markets (or FOREX, pick your poison), where huge chunks of wealth change hands with no real backing.
A crypto currency, in my opinion, needs to be viewed as a viable means of exchange in order to have value. If I sow potatoes and decide to sell them for crypto, that I can use next to get a massage or a second hand laptop, then a crypto has value. If nobody is using crypto to buy service or goods, then crypto is worth… nothing.
If an entire parallel economy bloomed around crypto - any crypto - that would make more strides to truly shake governments than anything else.
Honestly, how do you get these? My to go shop for games is GOG as well but I never get these keys I can give away.
Edit: NWN is a good game. Even in the old days, it was possible to run it natively on Linux.
If memory serves me well, Yugos were made in former Yugoslavia and were known for being extremely cheap and dangerous for everyone in and around them. Am I correct?
But this makes me scratch my head.
American manufacturers exist in Europe today and regardless of not being a fan the cars sell, regardless the constant attempts to introduce pure US models, like the F series.
Ford may be the most widespread manufacturer but I’ve seen a few Dodge, Chevrolet (but GM officially pulled from the market after a 3 years run, stating it wasn’t willing to remain in a market where a minimum 25% of market share wasn’t attainable; competition sucks, apparently!), JEEP and Chrysler.
What is stopping these brands to import back the technology being used here, on their european models, back to the home country? It’s already owned here!
I remember reading an article on a joint project between GM and FIAT to develop a new and shared platform. After X number of years and a gross amount of money invested, GM drops the project, FIAT finishes it and starts building an entire new generation of cars, still being built today.
Why put time, money and effort into a project to just drop it? Having a shared platform, capable of being used to assemble vehicles on both sides of the ocean makes sense.
Forgot cold brewers.
As a wannabe author, I could only be so lucky to get my work “pirated”. Free publicity.
They accomplish that and the already diminutive presence they have in the world will shrink even more.
That is a good point you raise there. A bear would not care, as the bear even lacks the notion of what a kitchen is or the notion of belonging implies.
Women belong wherever they want to be. And nothing else.
And if said woman is a top chef, with a degree in culinary arts and science?
That would make any kitchen in the world her realm and domain.
Thank you.
But… Why do you assume I have instant knowledge of acronyms because I opted to insert a comment on a topic that teased my interest? Does it pressuposes anything about my person?
Good morning.
Let’s call that example the canary in the mine but I’m seeing many similar situations where I live.
Being in a less than urban area, there is still a bit of industry around and some factories are cutting staff and a few have already shut down operations, especially in sectors more closely related with end user products (clothing, footwear, yarn, etc). Industries with ties to industrial use (metal working, construction materials, wood and derivates) are keeping afloat but only replacing workers that go into retirement or that for some reason or another just quit, and these industries, in my understanding, are keeping afloat because of the hard push into more sustainable and efficient houses, which is forcing a good deal of public investment into large renovation projects and funds.
Parallel to this, bakeries, coffee shops, small businesses that rely on consumption, are shutting down. For me, this implies there is less money floating around.
Paired with the hike in housing…
You are going to have to unfold all of those acronyms before we can move forward with this conversation.
I don’t have the palest of ideas of what you are trying to convey.
The only thing I’m sure of is death and taxes.
I’m risking that statement because I’m seeing a good deal of events similar to what happened the last time we went through one (the world) and the big companies starting to let go people is like the canary in the mine.
Hey! Riding the Battle Cat in the first panel, then a jet rider on the second!