This looks great, I have EA via Bottles currently for BF3/4 would love to switch to this. Totally get why it doesn’t support BF3, BF3 using a browser launcher for the PC version was insanely stupid
This looks great, I have EA via Bottles currently for BF3/4 would love to switch to this. Totally get why it doesn’t support BF3, BF3 using a browser launcher for the PC version was insanely stupid
I run this one on my T480 and it was honestly refreshing. I don’t believe the Microsoft store is even enabled by default which was a really nice change of pace from all the crap it’s usually got. Just enable what you want… how it should be but instead, “muh CoPilot”.
Disable the license check in the plugin, you’ll have to get the code first somehow though.
Better off avoiding them as much as possible though, each one you add increases the already somewhat large range of potential attack vectors.
Qbittorrent via a container and web UI on my NAS, lets me use it as a backend for *arrs as well as anything else, just have tag based directories for it so Software goes into one folder and TV movies etc in their respective folders.
I personally like the setup a lot since I can always be a seeder even well after my ratio is hit.
slskd hooked up to this as well to share everything music wise, gives me a nice way to reconcile stuff Lidarr can’t find and shares it all back for anyone to browse so hopefully helps someone downloadv something they’re searching for a FLAC of
nzb360 on Android for management as needed, it hooks into Qbittorrent easily and gives me a nice place to do some quicker tasks for my overall infra
Yep FORScan let me set the VIN on an electronic power steering rack (because that’s totally cool to require so you can’t just replace it at home right?).
I beleive it is actually IDS just reverse engineered and more accessible, unfortunately not every maker has one of those out there it really should be legally required when you buy the car to at least get the software to “own” it.
The same reason they won’t let you buy the dealership scan software for under 10k. Almost every maker has an in house scanner and due to standards they only need to provide certain data to non dealer level tools and I believe the standard only exists for gas powered vehicles that need to provide OBD2 data. Plenty of makers (BMW is horrible about this) stuff away data where a normal obd scanner just won’t access and it’s gotten much worse with the overuse of CANBus (I sure love when my trunk lid sensor prevents my fucking car from starting).
Thats where your snapon and other third party scanners start bringing a gap, but even those are extremely pricey and need to be updated constantly and even those usually won’t do EVERYTHING.
Fwiw the cheapest and best way I’ve found is basically to pirate the dealer software and get a compatible knockoff scanner (vxdiag for example). I have Ford IDS and a couple others this way but assume that the software is gonna install something malicious and dedicate an old Thinkpad or something to it.
Depending on the age of your vehicle something like Torque Pro is extremely useful. I have mine monitoring transmission temp, long and short term fuel trims, O2 sensor signals, voltage, mass air speed, intake temp. It’s more than enough data to see something coming long before it becomes an issue.
Docker image layering and nightlies for the heavier installs has worked pretty well for me. Dependencies from things like npm, composer etc are all build time still but more of the base stuff is on a weekly build cycle. We just do notifications if the nightlies fail to manually resolve it which is very very seldom
I’ve been loving Bazzite as well, I didn’t have to install ANYTHING to have it working, no Nvidia drivers that try to force that stupid Game Ready crap, just installed the OS and steam and my games and it worked, it’s better than windows with ninite ever was as far as getting a usable OS was.
The Steam Deck was a big convincing point for me, after seeing how well it worked I just had to go for it. Last time I tried switching to Linux fully for gaming was ~2012 and it was a LOT rougher, Garry’s mod worked but had issues with filename casing and things like that
What issue are you having with Battlefield 3/EA? I just installed it last week I think I did it via Lutris
Install them with Bottles or Lutris
Chronically online detected: please go outside
I used Lutris before but I do Bottles now, fitgirl worked on both fantastic for me
This is pretty great advice to get into it. I previously ran 3 poweredge 2950s but have since switched to nothing self hosted and back to everything self hosted but on a much leaner setup with a NUC and 14tb WD my book drive with a dual Noctua 4020 fan shroud I 3d printed that it absolutely needed as I killed the original drive in two weeks.
My replica is just a 14tb in my desktop I run rsync to pull the data occasionally after checking SMART status on the primary. It’s not versioned or perfect but it works great to give me a chance to backup my jellyfin media. Everything I care about also gets backed up via restic.
Eventually plan to run a build with the Modcase MASS with multiple drives but for now this setup has been working fantastic.
Really depends on the make, you can get Mitchell and AllData prior to the subscription model (takes about a TB of space, from 1980s to 2013) to help with diagrams and disassembly and reassembly. Mitchell’s wiring diagrams really are a lifesaver.
Dealer level software/scanner combo you can get from obdii365, I got a Hyundai scanner from them and it worked well but you want to run the software in a VM or isolate it some other way and probably wouldn’t network it.
Vxdiag is pretty solid as well for the dealer software/scanner and you can usually get via Amazon but again I wouldn’t trust the software. I have their ford one and used it with IDS to set the VIN on an electronic power steering rack.
The software itself you can find via Google if it’s all you need but typically the scanner is very specific to the software for the dealership stuff
Be careful depending on the model, some of those run hot. I managed to kill one in under 2 weeks just by copying a large amount of data to it and had to print a fan shroud for it’s replacement to keep the temps at a reasonable level.
Can connect with Infuse to your server, swiftfin has a ways to go to be ready for primary use
I see no reason to not use both. Got a show you’re watching that has new releases? Have Sonarr track it and auto download them as they release. Want to try a new show but not sure you’ll like it or just a single season? Debrid.
I will say, Jellyfin with Infuse on apple tv is rather easy to use for non technical people where they would struggle with stremio a little more.
Still a far cry from the early XBMC/Kodi days where you had to manually try like 20 sources before you could watch both options really are great
Heavily agree, a lot of content had issues playing for me with swiftfin. No issues at all with Infuse other than the fact that intro skipper doesn’t work with it
Lidarr for most, soulseek (slskd) for anything Lidarr can’t get in FLAC
Not the person you replied to but I liked the openness in the original a lot more, 2 and 3 were fun but I got nowhere near the replayability. The destruction felt a lot better in the original too from what I remember, crash a truck into a building and cave in part of it which was amazing for my 8500gt at the time… at 8 frames per second haha