becomes an official government mouthpiece
Uh… “becomes”?
“HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.”
Any guidance is appreciated
So not Linux games then.
Who is yalls go to
each party
Who decides who is a “party”?
Not explicitly
You said it “mentions … only that proton will”. Now you’re saying it doesn’t mention proton.
How do you think it does that? Through proton.
The issue is not about how games might be able to run but about what you wrote in your comment.
mentions … only that proton will be able to properly translate for them
Where is that mentioned?
Quantum mechanics is unintuitive. Appealing to intuition is not an argument, it’s avoiding bothering with an argument.
In the past, the common response to the idea was, “So, rocks are conscious?” This argument was meant to illustrate the absurdity of panpsychism.
To me, this response does not illustrate any absurdity in panpsychism.
I think it’s a little much to expect people to always qualify ‘Free as in beer’ anytime they ever use the word free in a monetary sense in a Linux community.
That seems really odd to me. I don’t expect people to qualify use of the word free in a montery sense in a Linux community, I expect people to avoid using the word free in a monetary sense entirely. And it doesn’t seem a little much, it seems blindingly obvious if one’s goal is to communicate effectively.
I would’ve thought … would’ve made that much obvious.
Using the word “free” to refer to proprietary games in a GNU/Linux context is a huge indicator of a lack of awareness. I wouldn’t look further.
finding out what software licence each and every title used, along with a direct link to the source code
FYI, the page you linked to isn’t publicly accessible. When I try to look, Reddit demands that I log in and doesn’t present the page content.
Windows 2000 was a good operating system by any measure
It is a fact.
because everything just works
No, it’s because they believe everything will just work.
Okay, let me rephrase for you: in choosing which of Microsoft’s stinking piles of shit was the least stinky, some people chose Windows 2000. However, most people just left the stinky area and didn’t look back.
The distro doesn’t matter.