None of these are living wages. You don’t get a cookie for doing the bare minimum of keeping people out of effective slavery. Give me a fucking break.
None of these are living wages. You don’t get a cookie for doing the bare minimum of keeping people out of effective slavery. Give me a fucking break.
Republicans aren’t stopping states like NY or CA from passing a living wage. Democrats are stopping that.
So sick of the straw men and blatant gaslighting coming from the democratic party. Anything to excuse why corporations keep getting their way with Dems. Meanwhile it takes 10 fucking years to increase the minimum wage in a blue state.
Lol getting down voted out of pure tribalism. The complete unwillingness of their base to seriously criticize Democrats is such a massive fucking turn off to voting for them.
Minimum wage and living wage are two very different things. Most Democrats absolutely do not support a living wage, and don’t try to lie to us about how they do.
No I don’t remember this and looking it up, I can’t find any answers either. Just name the movie instead of being cute about it.
Aha asks for Ruby on rails experience in their job listings, so they must be using it as well
It makes sense from a pure UX perspective. But of course the real goal of GitHub is to make money, and their paying customers are mostly corporate entities using it for enterprise development. Unless those companies decide that a download button/better release feature is desirable, it’s not likely to happen.
Most corporations tie GitHub into their own build system so such a feature isn’t likely to be considered useful. They pay for GitHub to reduce development costs, which is why GitHub spends so much effort on analytics and the dev experience instead of open source/public users.
You could have both, I just found Kodi to be a pain to use and set up. But one advantage of Kodi is that I believe it already supports streams like that. With Jellyfin you might have to do some magic. Kodi is more feature rich than jellyfin in general so if you can get it to work well, you could just have Kodi instead of both.
But I’m not sure on this topic. It’s probably best to consult the docs for both.
The jellyfin apps have a way better UX than Kodi. Jellyfin gives you only what you need in a clean, familiar design that feels like a real streaming service. Kodi is massively overbloated garbage with a confusing and extremely cluttered UI. Typical programmer-designed interface.
I hate Kodi and avoid it always, which thankfully is very easy thanks to jellyfin
This is one of the worst rebuttals I’ve seen today because you aren’t addressing the fact that the LLM has zero awareness of anything. It’s not an intelligence and never will be without additional technologies built on top of it.
Producing word salad really isn’t that impressive. At least the art LLMs are somewhat impressive.
LLMs can’t produce anything without being prompted by a human. There’s nothing intelligent about them. Imo it’s an abuse of the word intelligence since they have exactly zero autonomy.
IME when you prompt an LLM to solve a new problem it usually just makes up a bunch of complete bullshit that sounds good but doesn’t mean anything.
Getting warm isn’t the same thing as catching fucking fire like my girlfriend’s Samsung did in October. They have had it happen consistently across multiple models now. Go ahead and keep shilling for them with your ridiculous whataboutisms though.
It’s Samsung whose phones catch fire constantly, not Google. I’m never buying a Samsung ever again. They cannot be trusted.
They’re still a capitalist country like most, but worker rights are pretty strong there and they have much better social services and consumer regulations. I’m always blown away by how much higher quality French food is despite costing less, and I mean like from the grocery store not just nice restaurants.
I don’t disagree, but I still think it says something about the writer of the song. Cheating on your wife is and was scummy behavior, and so is romanticizing it, just less so
Really annoys me how half the rock songs I like proudly announce what an absolute scumbag the author is
Lol - in your other comment you suggested that web devs key off of screen rotation to resize the page, but now you’re saying the client shouldn’t know anything about the viewport at all? Which is it? And why would the rotation angle be useful if I don’t know the aspect ratio of the screen? Or are we now assuming that widescreen will be a thing forever? I thought your ingenius idea was to be able to handle any use case.
So pathetic how you claim to support democracy but shit on anyone who criticizes your precious political party and then make juvenile excuses for doing so.