• 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • From an administrator standpoint I used to hate containers at first because I was worried about having 3 different versions of a support library on a system all with separate potential vulnerabilities. However we’ve managed to shift our security posture to the left and now all containers are scanned and gated before release approval. This ensures that the devs have the flexibility they want and I have more of the peace of mind of not having to maintain the libraries anymore.

  • I hate that it puts package management in Devs hands. The same Devs that usually want root access to run their application and don’t know a vulnerability scan for the life of them. So now rather than having the one up to date version of a package on my system I may have 3 different old ones with differing vulnerabilities and devs that don’t want to change it because “I need this version because it works!”