ChatGPT trained used Reddit posts -> ChatGPT goes temporarily “insane”
Coincidence? I don’t think so.
Damn it’s cozy here
ChatGPT trained used Reddit posts -> ChatGPT goes temporarily “insane”
Coincidence? I don’t think so.
Let me be the Linux evangelist here and say: consider AMD for GPU, they aren’t bad.
I didn’t mean to offend. But what’s a minor spoiler for some might be a major spoiler for others, which is the case for the OP. It’d be pretty sad to miss out on the “when it hits”-moment
Actually major spoiler ::(
Well I guess knowledge is power, and power is kinda fun. There’s a reason many people say this game is special.
If you don’t feel the game right now, that’s ok, you can keep it on your list for later. But please avoid spoilers like the plague.
Have you tried just surviving? There’ll be a pretty obvious hint after some time passes
Hi, sex is not gender. Best regards